Everyone seems to be very upset with Biden for pardoning his family members ahead of Trump’s restoration. Considering that Trump made clear that he planned to pardon at least some of the people who tried to overturn the election by storming the capitol as it was counting the electoral votes, you’d think it wouldn’t ‘t really be necessary. He wouldn’t have the balls to go after Biden’s family after that, right?
And since he is flamboyantly swallowing a firehouse of corrupt money without even trying to hide it, no one would think it makes sense for him to try to continue the jihad against the Bidens. Well, he went even further and pardoned almost all of them, even the ones who tried to kill cops. And he granted clemency to those who plotted it. Does anything still think he has any limits?
Well, not everyone agrees with that. This is from Townhall:
Congress should immediately launch an investigation into this, both the House and Senate. Subpoena everyone. Joe can shield his documents in the decision-making process, he can’t claim executive privilege over people who had zero role in the Executive Branch or were not government employees.
While the pardons may hold, they will not protect anyone from a perjury charge should they lie under oath; or a contempt of Congress charge, should they refuse to answer questions. Veterans of the first Trump administration went to prison for this, and no one is above the law, right?
We need to know just how corrupt the Biden family was. Even if most of them are protected from prosecution by these pardons – and I think it’s an open question, depending upon if those pardons came to be as part of a criminal conspiracy – the country needs to know for posterity and to protect against future corruption.
If you thought that the Biden family was immune from this fun house mirror projection you would be wrong. Trump’s only raison d’etre now that he’s been restored is vengeance and money. Never doubt what he and his henchmen are capable of when it comes to those two things.