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Take Care Of The Cronies

Don’t cross the King — or his friends:

We knew that the U.S. pardon attorney was fired by the Trump Justice Department on Friday in a new purge of senior attorneys. Now we know why.

In a interview with the NYT, Elizabeth G. Oyer says she was terminated hours after she refused to go along with a rushed, last-minute attempt to put actor Mel Gibson on a list of people who would have their gun rights restored.

Gibson cannot legally carry a firearm after a 2011 domestic violence misdemeanor conviction.

Oyer describes a careful deliberative process to come up with a list of people whose gun rights could be safely restored then her growing dismay as that process was circumvented to try to add Gibson, who had not been vetted.

Oyer said she came under increasing pressure to sign off on Gibson, culminating in a call from a senior official in the office of Deputy Attorney General Todd Blanche: “He then essentially explained to me that Mel Gibson has a personal relationship with President Trump and that should be sufficient basis for me to make a recommendation and that I would be wise to make the recommendation,” she said.

They’re actually saying this stuff out loud now, not even trying to make up some kind of story to cover their corruption. Blanche, who was a US Attorney for many years and definitely knows better, just told her flat out to do it for the boss. The corruption is complete.

Can someone please tell me why that drunken lunatic Mel Gibson should be able to own a gun? He’s rich enough to hire security 24/7 and probably does. He’s nuts and he’s dangerous and can only need one to threaten or shoot someone when he’s drunk or angry.

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