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Digby's Hullabaloo Posts

RNC Queen

Actually, no. That’s a lie:
Also a lie:

This too:

So, what’s Lara up to at the RNC these days?

The Republican National Committee was poised to open and staff 40 satellite campaign offices across key battlegrounds when former President Donald Trump, now the presumptive GOP nominee, abruptly replaced RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and her deputies with fresh leadership.

Trump’s new RNC team, led by Chairman Michael Whatley, Co-Chair (and Trump’s daughter-in-law) Lara Trump, and senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, killed McDaniel’s 2024 blueprint. Roughly six weeks later, neither the committee nor the Trump campaign has much infrastructure or personnel in the swing states that will decide the November 5 election, multiple sources in Washington and the crucial battleground states told Dispatch Politics this week. 

That means few if any regional and local campaign headquarters; little to no deployed field staff; and little to no traditional voter turnout activities, such as door-knocking, phone banking, or volunteer organizing. Even after the Trump-led RNC’s reimagined field program eventually emerges, their strategy is to concentrate almost exclusively on the half-dozen states that will determine Trump’s fate. Republicans elsewhere? They’re on their own…..

In early March, the RNC’s new leadership sacked more than 60 full-time staff across the communications, data, and political departments. As Dispatch Politics reported soon after, roughly 40 of the 60 let go were field troops. 

The majority of all fired employees were immediately invited to reapply for jobs. But weeks later, the field program is lagging, especially compared to the voter turnout operation stood up by President Joe Biden. The incumbent Democrat’s campaign has opened 30 headquarters alone in Michigan and has multiple such offices in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and Florida.

She’s just great. A perfect leader for today’s MAGA GOP:

A Little Hopium For A Saturday Afternoon

A little bit of hope:

Rosenberg says this about the swing states which are still showing Trump ahead:

Here’s what I am seeing in the battlegrounds – MI, PA, WI are our best states right now, and in the 538 averages they are close and competitive. There are polls in each of these three states showing us ahead in recent weeks. Winning these three gets us to 269 Electoral College votes. As I wrote on Tuesday I am very optimistic that the extremism of the GOP in AZ and NC is giving us real opportunities in both states to win and make serious down-ballot gains. Nevada is always close, and we have work to do in Georgia. The campaign continues to monitor what’s happening in Florida, as Rs there will soon have to defend a newly implemented 6 week abortion ban, something that is currently polling in the lows 20s – a level of unpopularity on something that matters that is not often seen in politics.

I have no idea if he’s right but I do agree about those three midwest swing states and I think Arizona looks better every day because of that draconian abortion position of the GOP and their choice of that nutball Kari Lake for the Senate. And I’m hopeful about Nevada. But who knows? I still can’t believe it’s close anywhere and it’s profoundly depressing that it is. Apparently a booming economy and tons of policy to benefit people are over the country, from caps on prescription drugs for old people to student loan debt relief, is totally meaningless to tens of millions of Americans because they are so indoctrinated by Trump and right wing media that they think that hate and resentment toward their fellow Americans are the only things that matter.

I pump hopium into my veins for momentary relief but like any drug, it always wears off…

Terminal Fox News Brain Rot

Tom posted one short CNN video of Bill Barr’s utter pusillanimity earlier but I wanted to show the whole interview so you could get the full picture of a typical establishment, Fox News brain-rotted Republican’s worldview. It will shock you:

Some excerpts from the transcript:

BILL BARR: So it’s not about me. I think that, that I’ve said this all along. If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country. And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement. And in the Biden administration.

KAITLAN COLLINS: The Biden administration, or President Biden himself.

BILL BARR: Biden’s, Biden’s support for the progressive agenda.

KAITLAN COLLINS: I think a lot of people hear that. And the case that we just talked about that went before the Supreme Court, essentially, and say, how can you see that and say that Biden is a greater threat to democracy?

BILL BARR: Well, where are we losing our freedoms? We have our freedoms being constrained that they’re being constrained by, the progressive government and, you know, democracy especially, you know, from the Anglosphere democracies, the Five Eyes and so forth. The threats never been for autocratic government on the right.

KAITLAN COLLINS: But how specifically, is Biden threatening democracy?

BILL BARR: The threat to freedom and democracy has always been on the left. It’s the collectivist, socialist, agenda. And that is where we’re losing our freedom. Parents are losing the freedom to control, their children’s education. And, you know, people can’t speak their mind without losing their jobs and things like that. This is worse than the McCarthy era. Where is that coming from? It’s not coming from the right.

KAITLAN COLLINS: Those two things that you just noted there, you believe are worse than a president of the United States trying to subvert the will of the people by overturning the results, no question.

BILL BARR: No, I think I think a country well, all the things together, like we’re not enforcing our borders, we have open borders, we have lawlessness, in our cities, we have regulations coming fast and fierce. So telling people what kind of stoves they can use and what kinds of cars they have to drive and, you know, eliminating cars and and so forth. Yeah, those are those are the threats to democracy.

KAITLAN COLLINS: But but President Biden is not in control of what some school boards across the country.

BILL BARR: He’s using the administrative–

KAITLAN COLLINS: You can make that argument, but.

BILL BARR: He’s making.

KAITLAN COLLINS: How is that the same thing?

BILL BARR: Major changes are being made in our country without without the democratic process. And they’re being made by bureaucrats in these agencies.

KAITLAN COLLINS: You, okay? Pause! You cannot argue that Republicans across the country are not doing that as well. My own hometown. There’s a huge fight at the library over which books kids can read. This is not something that is a single-party fight.

BILL BARR: Do you think there are? Don’t you think there should be some limits on on what people are able to read? I agree, young people.

KAITLAN COLLINS: I just think people look at what you’re saying and they don’t. And maybe, maybe even Republicans who have concerns about what’s happening with school boards or, you know, the culture and don’t maybe abortion, even don’t equate that with with January 6th and Trump’s efforts. When you told him the the election was not stolen and he still went out there and said it was stolen and led a lot of people to believe that they don’t, those things aren’t equal. It feels like a false equivalency.

BILL BARR: Well, I disagree, I think, and I think, the country is much more susceptible to losing freedoms by the excesses of the left, and they have been steadily and that’s clear. People lose their jobs. Kids can’t speak out in the classroom. They have to go along with what the professor says in order to get good grades and so forth. It’s become like Stepford Nation being directed by, the progressive elites.

KAITLAN COLLINS: It is what you said recently, which was that, you know, the conduct that was involved with Donald Trump, you said trying to subvert and prevent the progress, the execution of probably the most important process we have, which is the peaceful transfer of power after an election. Name one thing that Biden has done that’s worse than that.

BILL BARR: I think this whole administration is a disaster for the.

KAITLAN COLLINS: Is worse than subverting the peaceful transfer of power.

BILL BARR: Did he succeed?

KAITLAN COLLINS: Only because Vice President Mike pence stood in the way? And now the people who are lining up again say that they will not do what Mike pence did.

BILL BARR: Look, I was very loud and saying, I thought it was a whole the whole episode was shameful. And I’m and I’m very troubled by it. And that’s why it’s not an easy decision. But I think when you have a Hobson’s choice, you have to pick the lesser of two evils.

KAITLAN COLLINS: You don’t see this as the definition of putting party over country.

KAITLAN COLLINS: So just to be clear, you’re voting for someone who you believe tried to subvert the peaceful transfer of power that can’t even achieve his own policies, that lied about the election, even after his attorney general told him that the election wasn’t stolen. And as the former chief law enforcement in this country, you’re going to vote for someone who is facing 88 criminal counts.

Just contemplate for a moment that this man, who was the Attorney General of the United State twice, knows that Trump tried to overthrow the government and even quit over it, now says he will vote for him again because of campus leftism and government regulations of kitchen appliances. He actually seems to believe this. And yet, when Collins points out that schools are actually under siege from right wingers banning books and the like he says that’s perfectly fine. It is beyond hypocrisy, it’s total incoherence.

And let’s give Kaitlin Collins her due. She didn’t let him get away with this sophistry. I would hope that any Independent voter viewing this saw how insane this line of thinking really is.

Your Lying Eyes Deceive You

The Trump campaign inexplicably decided to put Trump on TV IN the greater Philadelphia area to say this:

It looks like that’s what he’s going with. Everyone’s thrilled with the repeal of Roe v Wade because that’s what the whole country always wanted. This is the most clear cut example of “you can believe me or you can believe your lying eyes” since the Big Lie. He’s obviously decided that this is going to be his line:

I can’t blame him, honestly, He managed to make the entire Republican Party believe that he won the election in a landslide (or at least pretend they believe it) and that January 6th really was just an outpouring of love that his enemies have turned into a fake picture of a violent mob. He was able (with the help of his party) to convince his cult that there was nothing to the Russia investigation or any of the other cases against him. So why wouldn’t he do it again?

It’s Prion Disease, Isn’t It?

A “reign” of morons is the collective noun

Charlie Pierce was right. In his usual understated way.

Lest you think the Republican rot started with Donald Trump, as early as 2013, Charlie Pierce attributed the spreading madness (mockingly) to prion disease. Even then, Pierce suggested Republicans ate the monkey brains back during the Reagan administration:

The Reign of Morons Is Here

OCTOBER 04, 2013, 5:00am

By Charles Pierce, Esquire

Only the truly child-like can have expected anything else.

In the year of our Lord 2010, the voters of the United States elected the worst Congress in the history of the Republic. There have been Congresses more dilatory. There have been Congresses more irresponsible, though not many of them. There have been lazier Congresses, more vicious Congresses, and Congresses less capable of seeing forests for trees. But there has never been in a single Congress — or, more precisely, in a single House of the Congress — a more lethal combination of political ambition, political stupidity, and political vainglory than exists in this one, which has arranged to shut down the federal government because it disapproves of a law passed by a previous Congress, signed by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court, a law that does nothing more than extend the possibility of health insurance to the millions of Americans who do not presently have it, a law based on a proposal from a conservative think-tank and taken out on the test track in Massachusetts by a Republican governor who also happens to have been the party’s 2012 nominee for president of the United States. That is why the government of the United States is, in large measure, closed this morning.

We have elected the people sitting on hold, waiting for their moment on an evening drive-time radio talk show.

We have elected an ungovernable collection of snake-handlers, Bible-bangers, ignorami, bagmen and outright frauds, a collection so ungovernable that it insists the nation be ungovernable, too. We have elected people to govern us who do not believe in government.

We have elected a national legislature in which Louie Gohmert and Michele Bachmann have more power than does the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has been made a piteous spectacle in the eyes of the country and doesn’t seem to mind that at all. We have elected a national legislature in which the true power resides in a cabal of vandals, a nihilistic brigade that believes that its opposition to a bill directing millions of new customers to the nation’s insurance companies is the equivalent of standing up the the Nazis in 1938, to the bravery of the passengers on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, and to Mel Gibson’s account of the Scottish Wars of Independence in the 13th Century. We have elected a national legislature that looks into the mirror and sees itself already cast in marble.

We did this. We looked at our great legacy of self-government and we handed ourselves over to the reign of morons.

This is what they came to Washington to do — to break the government of the United States. It doesn’t matter any more whether they’re doing it out of pure crackpot ideology, or at the behest of the various sugar daddies that back their campaigns, or at the instigation of their party’s mouthbreathing base. It may be any one of those reasons. It may be all of them. The government of the United States, in the first three words of its founding charter, belongs to all of us, and these people have broken it deliberately. The true hell of it, though, is that you could see this coming down through the years, all the way from Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address in which government “was” the problem, through Bill Clinton’s ameliorative nonsense about the era of big government being “over,” through the attempts to make a charlatan like Newt Gingrich into a scholar and an ambitious hack like Paul Ryan into a budget genius, and through all the endless attempts to find “common ground” and a “Third Way.” Ultimately, as we all wrapped ourselves in good intentions, a prion disease was eating away at the country’s higher functions. One of the ways you can acquire a prion disease is to eat right out of its skull the brains of an infected monkey. We are now seeing the country reeling and jabbering from the effects of the prion disease, but it was during the time of Reagan that the country ate the monkey brains.

Pierce lamented lamentables like Reps. Gohmert and Bachmann sitting on the future Trump-branded side of the aisle. But in the fullness of time we got a larger set of whackadoodles.

COVID-19 was late to the party. The prion infection was ubiquitous among G.O.P. lowlights before 2020.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins for some reason thought it worth air time to interview former Trump attorney general, Bill Barr. She asked why after Trump smeared him, he still supports Trump for president in 2024. After endorsing Trump, Trump mocked Barr for it. And Barr? He shrugs it off.

Collins: Just to be clear, you’re voting for someone who you believe tried to subvert the peaceful transfer of power, that can’t even achieve his own policies, that lied about the election, who is facing 88 criminal counts 

Barr: The answer the question is yes.

In a Friday promo spot for his special “MisinfoNation: The Trump Faithful” (Sunday at 8 p.m.), CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan played a clip of a woman of the MAGA persuasion insisting that God is referenced throughout the Constitution (not true). She thinks the reporter is dissing her by questioning it. R-E-A-D it, she insists, and pulls it out her cell phone to prove it to him. Guess what?

It’s prion disease, isn’t it? Unless they’re all lizard people.

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Is It The Full Moon?

You gotta laugh to keep from crying

The country’s taking crazy pills.

Back in table-waiting days when the evening’s business and customers got weird, we’d run out the back door to check the night sky. What was it? The full moon? I did the same online this morning (the sun is up). The full moon was the 23rd.

Maybe that’s when these bits that popped up first thing were crafted. People need to let off steam.

Bette Midler’s on the job.

Notice the name of Denver Riggleman’s podcast: Coalition of the Sane. Then there’s the Lev Parnas story.

It’s not just that Trumpublicans are trying to transport the entire country into Alice’s Looking Glass World. They’re working both sides of the mirror as it suits them, as if no one will notice.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes did.

They’re thinking it over

So did Jamelle Bouie of The New York Times:

It was a farce befitting the absurdity of the situation. Trump has asked the Supreme Court if he is, in effect, a king. And at least four members of the court, among them the so-called originalists, have said, in essence, that they’ll have to think about it.

Those of a certain vintage may remember an old bit by comedian Jack Benny whose comic persona was a penny-pincher. A robber points a gun and demands, “Your money or your life.” Benny hesitates and insists, “I’m thinking it over.

I recalled that line as I shook my head during Thursday’s oral arguments. Trump’s attorneys at the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday demanded, “Your country or Trump!” At least four of the justices are thinking it over.

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When Trump jurors are stalked & threatened by MAGAts, who arrests them?

As of April 26, 2024 Donald Trump hasn’t stopped violating his Judge Merchan gag order. Until the punishments are strong enough to make him stop, we need to take steps to stop and punish his followers, who make threats on his behalf.

Marcy Wheeler was on the Nicole Sandler show last week talking about Donald Trump’s systematic threatening of his critics and how normalized political violence is for anybody who comes up against Donald Trump. I’ve written about, and asked a lot of questions about, how threats online and on social media have an impact and what can be done about them. It was great to hear from Marcy about the scope of the problem, how it involves the legal system, the media, social media and learn some names of major players who make threats on social media and get away with it.

“There is nobody who is on the wrong side of Donald Trump who is not stalked, who does not face mob violence, and it is systematic.

There’s a group of these people, Jesse Watters, we talked about. Jack Posobiec is always involved. Mike Cernovich is always involved. These are people in Roger Stone’s world. They have the ability to go find these people, they have the ability to stoke violence, they have the ability to terrify people. And it has been going on for years.

Marcy Wheeler, on the Nicole Sandler show 4-19-2024
Jack Posobiec and Roger Stone
Mike Cernovich

She points out how for the right it’s okay if it’s just Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. If it’s Michael Cohen, it’s okay. If it’s Marie Yovanovitch, it’s okay. If it’s the whistleblower, it’s okay. She had thought that when Don Bacon’s wife was threatened and had to sleep with a gun under her pillow, the Republicans might have done something. But they haven’t. They are quiet or they do what Republican Mike Gallagher just did, quit.

Marcy said that right now it’s the moment where we have to figure out how to get Trump through the trial.

My question is “What can be done to deter his followers from making more threats to jurors?” I don’t expect to stop them entirely. But there ARE ways. Law enforcement and the courts in NYC knew this was coming. They should be prepared to protect the jurors, AND arrest the people who are threatening them.

I’m betting there have already been threats, but people haven’t been arrested yet. One thing that we have learned is that law enforcement doesn’t want to talk about the scale and scope of the threats. Why? They give multiple reasons, but some are excuses for their failures:
1) The need to confirm who made the threats
2) Confirm that the threats were violations of specific laws, and for True Threats, the intention of the people making the threat.
3) They need evidence for indictments for the laws that were broken

We have seen them go after the most blatant and obvious threats first, hoping that will act as a deterrent for others. They don’t charge people making vague mob type threats, because they are hard to pin down. But based on the history of the scale and scope of the PREVIOUS threats to judges, prosecutors, witnesses and their families, there will be LOTS to solid, clearly illegal threats to choose from.

Arrests aren’t deterrents if nobody knows they happened

If I was in charge of promoting a “Protect the Jurors” campaign, starting this week I’d be pushing stories about the people who have been arrested for threatening the jurors. If they don’t have current cases, I’d look at historical cases where the person was arrested and convicted. I would include threats to people in person, on the phone, via email and on social media.

I talked to Glenn Kirschner about the steps the legal system takes for protecting jurors (and witnesses). He said when jurors are contacted with threats or bribes, they are supposed to tell the court immediately. Then three law enforcement agencies are involved: local, state & Feds. Because of this there needs to be a coordinated response. The Feds do the interstate threats, like social media. The locals do the in-person threats. Here is what I want to know now, but we probably won’t be told by law enforcement:

Are the Feds already monitoring the juror’s social media accounts?
If not, when do they start? After they get their first threat?
The COURTS already know the names of all the jurors and their social media accounts. Are they being monitored by law enforcement looking for threats? If they spot threats, what do they do? Do they contact the social media companies with subpoenas to get the information of who is making the threat?
BTW, social media companies must comply with law enforcement subpoenas to provide information, it’s part of all of their TOS, that includes Truth Social and X.

Who is monitoring & counting the juror’s phone calls and emails?
We know from the threats to Judge Engoron’s clerk that she was getting constant calls. The court Judiciary protection service counted 275 pages of transcribed voicemail threats. But the only reason we know how huge it was is because the New York State Court public safety people took that information to the media because LAW ENFORCEMENT WASN’T DOING ENOUGH TO PROTECT Engoron’s clerk and staff.

People need to know that it is not the standard practice of law enforcement agencies to tell the media about the scale and scope of threats to people, nor the status of investigations.

Here’s the thing I’ve found out after years of investigating: law enforcement agencies don’t want to charge people for their online threats, but they CAN. When they do charge people for the threats, the arrests need to be publicized. But right now they aren’t. They aren’t even releasing the mugshots of the people arrested.

Did you know that Tyler Vogel, 26, from Lancaster New York was arrested for threatening AG Letitia James and State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron? Did you see his mug shot in any media stories? I haven’t, and I looked. I did find ONE photo in a story about the threat. But it was on TikTok! I’m not using it here because I couldn’t confirm it was from an official source. I don’t know the reason for not providing the mugshot to the media, but I’m sure they have an answer. Maybe I’ll call and find out.

If law enforcement doesn’t want to put up the photos of people arrested for making threats, The media can put up the mugshots of the people who have been convicted for making threats on social media. Like Fredrick Francis Goltz, convicted for threatening Arizona election officials. Like Alan McCarty Jr., convicted for threatening to kill a judge.

Remember Taylor Taranto? He’s a Jan6er who went to Obama’s home with a van full of explosives after Trump posted the address on Truth Social.

A cardboard cut out of Donald Trump with Jan6er Taylor Taranto

Marcy talked about how hard it is to arrest people, even someone like Taylor Taranto a Jan6er defendant who was arrested near Obama’s home with a van full of explosives after Donald Trump posted Barack Obama’s Kalorama address on Truth Social.

“[Taranto] started engaging in whole martyrdom complex outside the DC jail and it got so bad he was such an disturbed person that even those nut jobs outside the DC jail said, “Please don’t come back.” And one day Donald Trump posted Barack Obama’s Kalorama address on Truth Social and that dude started stalking Barack Obama in Kalorama. And he was arrested for that stalking. He was arrested because he had a van with explosives in it. And he was he was hunting down a Secret Service protected former President, and it feels like you should be able to hold Trump accountable for that.”

Marcy Wheeler @Emptywheel on the Nicole Sandler show

“We really have to find a way to shame people for this kind of witness intimidation, because it’s going on everywhere. And it is one of the most toxic things in our politics right now. And we just haven’t had that conversation as a society.”

We are not going to “have a conversation as a society” unless we push for it. To do that

We need to demand for multiple people to be investigated, arrested and tried for their threats to jurors. If convicted and sent to prison we need to publicize their crimes big enough that they make it to Fox News audience, to act as a deterrent.

The DOJ and the New York Courts MUST make a big deal about the threats to jurors. There needs to be PR about it beyond putting out a press release. But it can’t just be about Trump, because as Marcy said, “Trump is very, very, very, very skilled at like toeing the line. He’s like a little child, a toddler who knows exactly how much he can get away with, and how to be most effective when he is doing that. And so in this case, in the  Taylor Taranto case, all he did was post, somewhat public information. He didn’t say go, “Go stalk Barack Obama.” It is just the fact, and he knows this, that his followers are going to respond to that. And then people like Jack Posobiec, they’re going to ratchet it up, they’re going to say, “We need to defend our guy, we need to hunt out the dissident.”

What people need to know is that Taranto used his own Truth Social account to re-post the address. On Telegram, Taranto then stated, ‘We got these losers surrounded! See you in hell, Podesta’s and Obama’s ‘”
Taranto also told followers on his YouTube live stream that he was looking to get a “good angle on a shot,” prosecutors said.

Truth Social, GAB and Patriot(dot)Win have ALL provided detailed info in the past to law enforcement when a subpoena is provided. People on Social Media are NOT “anonymous” to the companies that post their information. Law enforcement can get their identities, can determine if they have likely broken laws, get a warrant and arrest them. The people will have a chance to challenge the arrest in the court system, this is good, some might be found to have NOT violated the law. BUT if there are NO PUBLIC arrests, then there will be NO deterrents for threats.

Photo of Taylor Taranto, the building he threatened to blow up, a weapon found in the car when he went to Obama home address

Marcy ended this week’s Nicole Sandler show with this New York Times story about a stalker of Lisa Page.
Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Who Criticized Trump Says Bureau Failed to Warn Her About Stalker (Gift Link)
John C. Perez was barred from  Camp Lejeune in North Carolina because of his obsession with Ms. Page, mass shootings and a fixation on child sex abuse, (Qanon stuff) The Marines told the the FBI about him, yet they didn’t take action or notify Ms. Page about him. Also, I looked for a mugshot of John C. Perez, I couldn’t find one.

The lesson of Donald Trump is everyone gets threats, everyone gets death threats, everyone gets stalked, and that never goes away. Whether or not he regains the presidency he is about using political violence, using threats of violence against everyone. And eventually you will be part of that, everyone.”

Marcy Wheeler, on the Nicole Sandler show.

Cross posted to Spocko’s Brain

Friday Night Soother

After reading Kristi Noem’s sickening story bragging about shooting her puppy, I thought we needed a pure, feel good dog story today. From the Dodo:

Messi, an 8-year-old Labrador retriever, has worked as a professional Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent for most of his life. Since his first day on the job at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, he’s enjoyed nothing more than screening luggage for explosives and keeping the airport safe.

But after years of hard work, Messi recently became eligible for retirement — and his beloved team of agents decided to celebrate him with a special surprise.[…]

The professional good boy trotted into work each day with his handler, Peter, excited for another shift of scent-tracking. As much as he loved sniffing bags for explosives, Messi’s favorite moments involved the celebratory tennis balls he’d receive whenever he did a great job.

So, for his last shift ever, his doting team showered him with an avalanche of tennis balls, which surprised the unsuspecting boy.

“A training aid was concealed in a large room and Messi, along with his handler, Peter, searched the room,” the TSA wrote. “When Messi ‘hit’ on the device, he was showered with tennis balls tossed his way by other canine handlers. Messi was thrilled!”

You can watch that moment here:

Messi leaped with joy as the hoard of tennis balls fell around him, scrambling to scoop at least one into his mouth. While some of his coworkers cheered him on, others began blowing bubbles in his direction to ramp up the excitement.

After a few minutes of playing with the tennis balls, Peter surprised Messi with a meaningful and long-awaited change in attire.

“Peter then removed Messi’s ‘Do Not Pet’ patch from his harness, thus officially signaling that the dog was no longer a working canine and could be petted,” the TSA wrote. “There was no shortage of guests who were eager to pet the newly retired dog.”


After an exciting evening of celebrating with the rest of the TSA crew, Messi returned home with Peter to begin a blissful retirement alongside his favorite human.

“The dog is ready to trade in his working vest for afternoons lounging on the sofa,” the TSA wrote.

All good boys and girls deserve to be treated with kindness and care even if they have a job to do.

Why Isn’t He Getting The “Old Man” Treatment?

Is that something a young, virile alpha male would be whining about every single day? I think not. But then it is less common to hear an old man kvetching about the cold. That’s usually something that old women (like me) complain about.

Where are the front page stories about how frail and wan he looks under his makeup these days. How he can’t keep his eyes open in court and how his hair loss is accelerating before our eyes?

Since he’s doing very few rallies, even though he’s only in court four days a week, we don’t see his glitching every day but his commentary to the press outside the courtroom is downright weird.

I know that Joe Biden’s stiff gait from arthritis is of MAJOR concern to the media. Why not this?

It’s The Corruption, Stupid

Simon Rosenberg as some advice for Joe Biden’s campaign which includes ideas on youth outreach, climate change etc. It’s all interesting but I think he makes an excellent point here that I haven’t heard anyone else make:

I think Joe Biden should promise to clean up the city he has so long been a part of. Among the things we can tackle are the influence of foreign money, the need to raise ethical standards at the Supreme Court, eliminating the debt ceiling and the ability to shut down the government, and the wild abuse of Senate holds on nominations. Perhaps Biden could set up a commission to make broader recommendations on how to modernize and reform a city desperately in need of it.

The utter sleaze of the Trump years has never been properly addressed. These trials in New York have illuminated Trump’s personal corruption and sleaze but we have yet to see anything really penetrate what he’s done to the political culture in Washington. This level of blatant corruption is one of the greatest threats to the system of all and at some point it’s going to have to be dealt with. After all, Trump is hardly alone in this and when he moves on, which he will either sooner or later, this culture is going to remain.