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Horrible in every way

Horrible in every way

by digby

Guessing enforcement of the Violence Against Women Act won’t be a priority

Since it seems to be “Sessions the Nightmare” day here, I’ll finish up with this upbeat note:

Jeff Sessions has spent his career trying to push his anti-choice, anti-woman, and anti-equality agenda on women by:

Repeatedly voting to allow convicted perpetrators of anti-abortion violence and harassment to evade financial responsibility for their illegal activities by declaring bankruptcy

Voting for the unconstitutional 20-week ban on abortion

Supporting efforts to deny millions access to vital health care by voting to defund Planned Parenthood and against protections against anti-abortion clinic violence

Repeatedly voting against a resolution in support of Roe v. Wade and a woman’s constitutional right to safe and legal abortion services

Repeatedly voting for the Federal Abortion Ban, a law that criminalizes some abortion services, with no exception to protect a woman’s health, and carries up to a two-year prison sentence for doctors

Supporting the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which has greatly improved women’s access to basic health care by ensuring coverage and affordability of maternity care, family-planning services, and other reproductive-health services

Repeatedly voting to allow a broad range of individuals and institutions—including, hospitals, hospital employees, health-care providers, employers, and/or insurers—to refuse to provide or cover medical treatment, such as contraception or abortion care

Repeatedly voting to deny women in the military – who defend our freedom overseas – the right to use their own, private funds for abortion care at military hospitals

Voting to block low-income women from getting abortion services in most cases

Voting to make anti-choice “crisis pregnancy centers,” many of which mislead, misinform, harass, and intimidate women, eligible for taxpayer funding.

Voting to eliminate the Title X family-planning program, which provides millions of women with health-care services ranging from birth control to breast cancer screenings.

He’s well within the GOP mainstream but that’s not saying anything. They are all antediluvian when it comes to women’s rights. The best of them are indifferent and will go along with whatever the wingnuts want and the worst are hardcore abusers like Trump who simply see women as whores, mothers or crones. Those in the middle just think women are birthing vessels who are fine as long as they don’t interfere with a man’s right to tell them what to do if he thinks it’s best.

But don’t worry Ivanka is going to champion a tepid voluntary parental leave law so you ladies will be taken care of, don’t worry your pretty little heads about it one bit.


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