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Chart O’ the Day

Chart O’ the Day

by digby

Clinton’s counties are where the people are. Trump’s counties add up to more political clout.

The economic recovery from the epic 2007/8 recession is real but it has not hit these more rural and exurban areas at the same pace. Hence, Trump.

According to this article by Annie Lowry, the divide was buried in the numbers the whole time and it appears that the Democrats, for all their sophistication with data, didn’t really dig deeply enough to fully grasp these regional disparities. (Or if they did, they didn’t see that the message of morning in America wouldn’t resonate there.)

These economies are improving as well, however, just a slower pace than in the metropolitan areas where the majority of people live and work. So, Trump will likely get the credit for something that would have happened anyway.

The man is lucky, I’ll give him that.


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