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They want to rule by @BloggersRUs

They want to rule
by Tom Sullivan

Photo by Bill Ebbesen, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

This came over the transom last night. It seems a Florida Republican last week filed a measure with this description:

… urging Congress to propose to the states an amendment to the United States Constitution that allows Congress to deem a law that has been declared void by certain federal courts active and operational.

For all the hands-over-hearts posturing, it seems the “may the Founders be praised” party wants to jettison the Founders’ theory of judicial review and all that separation of powers crap. They don’t want to govern. They want to rule.

I’ve said it before. Time to say it again:

At the end of the Revolutionary War, there were an estimated half million Tories in this country. Royalists by temperament, loyal to the King and England, predisposed to government by hereditary royalty and landed nobility, men dedicated to the proposition that all men are not created equal.

After the Treaty of Paris, you know where they went? Nowhere. A few moved back to England, or to Florida or to Canada. But most stayed right here.

Their heirs are still with us.

The real Boss on the phony one

Somebody known for writing songs about the American spirit is afraid for what Donald Trump is doing to it:

“Whether it’s a rise in hate crimes, people feeling they have license to speak and behave in ways that previously were considered un-American and are un-American. That’s what he’s appealing to. My fears are that those things find a place in ordinary, civil society.”

Bruce Springsteen won’t be performing for the inaugural. He will be fighting back:

America is still America. I’m still believe in its ideals, and I’m going to do my best to play my very, very small part in maintaining those things.”

No retreat, baby, no surrender

That’s why he’s the Boss.

(h/t S. Smith)

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