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Dance for me citizen, if you know what’s good for you

Dance for me citizen, if you know what’s good for you

by digby

If the Democrats win the White House and have one or more houses of congress, it’s vitally important that they do a comprehensive housecleaning at DHS. There’s something very, very bad happening at all the agencies under its auspices. DHS didn’t exist until after 9/11. We should re-think the whole thing and reform and reorganize whatever necessary functions are within it.

These petty tyrants in uniform are out of control:

It took a moment for Ben Watson to realize the officer was not joking.

Watson had just told the Customs and Border Protection staffer reviewing his passport that he works in journalism. Then the seemingly routine Thursday encounter at the Washington Dulles International Airport got tense.

“So you write propaganda, right?” Watson, the news editor at the national security site Defense One, recalled the CBP officer asking.

“No,” Watson says he replied. He affirmed again that he was a journalist.

The officer repeated his propaganda question, said Watson, who was returning from a reporting trip in Denmark.

“With his tone, and he’s looking me in the eye — I very much realized this is not a joke,” Watson told The Washington Post on Friday. Watson said he got his passport back only after agreeing with the “propaganda” charge.

The incident comes amid rising hostility faced by journalists as the Trump administration continues to attack the media as “fake news.”

Watson said he had heard a couple stories of similar encounters in the past, but said he did not realize until sharing his experience at the Dulles Airport on social media just how many people in his field were reporting the same brand of harassment. U.S. airport border agents were at the center of several incidents that have raised reporters’ concerns this year.

“I’ve honestly never had a human attempt to provoke me like this before in my life,” Watson said he told his colleagues. “This behavior is totally normal now, I guess?”

Customs and Border Protection said in a statement that it is investigating the “alleged inappropriate conduct.”

“We hold our employees accountable to our core values of vigilance, integrity and service to country, and do not tolerate inappropriate comments or behavior by our employees,” the agency said.

Standards of conduct for the Department of Homeland Security, CBP’s parent agency, direct staff to “act impartially.”

An article from Defense One describes Watson’s full recollection of Thursday’s conversation. After the second alleged query by the CBP officer, Watson explained that he covers national security “with many of the same skills” he used as a public affairs officer in the Army — and added: “Some would argue that’s propaganda.”

When the officer repeated his question a third time, Watson said, he paused.

His wife had already circled the airport for 20 minutes. He figured he could get stuck for hours if he tried to call in the officer’s supervisor. So he gave in.

“For the purposes of expediting this conversation, yes,” he recalled telling the CBP officer.

The officer made Watson agree one more time before letting him through, Watson said. He says he’s filed a civil rights complaint with DHS.

“We are disappointed and concerned that any U.S. official would question a journalist, or any citizen, in this way,” Kevin Baron, Defense One’s executive editor, wrote to The Post.

Others in journalism circles and beyond were quick to point out chilling implications in the story.

Walter Shaub, an attorney who served as director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics until 2017, tweeted that the incident should go to the DHS inspector general for review.

“A customs agent withholding the passport of a journalist until he agrees to say he writes ‘propaganda’ is actionable misconduct, even in Trump’s America,” he said.

A growing list of journalists say they have been startled by government officials’ harassment in a country that prizes freedom of the press. The encounters are raising fears that hostile rhetoric led by President Trump and his allies are damaging reporters’ ability to do their job unhindered.
Several other journalists have described difficulties getting through airports in 2019.

In February, CBP apologized to a BuzzFeed journalist questioned at a New York airport about his news organization’s coverage of Trump and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation. A few months later, a freelancer said he was detained by CBP officials for hours at an airport in Texas.

Then, in August, British journalist James Dyer described an “unsettling experience” as he flew into California to cover a Disney event. The film and TV writer said a CBP officer at Los Angeles International Airport called him a member of the “fake news media” and asked if he had worked for CNN or MSNBC, two frequent targets of Trump’s criticism.

“He aggressively told me that journalists are liars and are attacking their democracy,” Dyer wrote in a viral tweet thread.

He said he was allowed to move on after explaining that he was just trying to write about Star Wars.

CBP’s response at the time was much like its statement on Thursday’s incident.

“Inappropriate comments or behavior are not tolerated, and do not reflect our values of vigilance, integrity and professionalism,” the agency said.

No, these behaviors are most certainly tolerated. Clearly. And far worse is tolerated against immigrants and foreigners.

This is a rogue agency that employes tens of thousands of uniformed law enforcement with tremendous power over the lives of individuals. There must be top to bottom reform of this entire sector of the government.


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