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The reascendance of the cretins: abortion edition

The reascendance of the cretins: abortion edition

by digby

This fine fellow is at least honest and I, for one, appreciate it. He is a lawmaker in Ohio which just passed the most draconian abortion restrictions in the country.

Republican Representative Jim Buchy was a strong proponent for the bill, which he said would “encourage personal responsibility.” “What we have here is really the need to give people the incentive to be more responsible so we reduce unwanted pregnancies, and by the way, the vast majority of abortions are performed on women who were not raped,” he told Ohio Public Radio.

Buchy is a longtime proponent of restricting women’s access to abortion — in 2012, he told Al Jazeera that his ultimate goal is to ban abortion completely in the state of Ohio. Then, the reporter asked him an interesting question: “What do you think makes a woman want to have an abortion?”

He pauses. Then he says, “Well, there’s probably a lot of reas— I’m not a woman.” He laughs. “I’m thinking now if I’m a woman why would I want to get … Some of it has to do with economics. A lot of it has to do with economics. I don’t know. It’s a question I’ve never even thought about.”

And he doesn’t care what the reasons are because he believes this is all a matter of making women take “personal responsibility.” If the ladies insist on having sex they have to pay the price: childbearing. It’s the only way to keep ’em in line.

Trump has said that his picks for he Supreme Court will be anti-abortion — he’s not even trying to pretend there is no litmus test. This may be about to get very real.


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