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Trump takes trolling to a whole new level

Trump takes trolling to a whole new level

by digby

John Amato writes:

During another bizarre yellicopter session with the press, Donald Trump refused to deny that all the supposed “corruption” investigations he’s demanded from foreign leaders are targeted at his political rivals.

CNBC’s Eamon Javers asked the real question during this farcical press stunt.

Javers asked, “Have you asked foreign leaders for any corruption investigation that don’t involve political opponents, — are there other cases —“

Trump replied, “You know, we would have to look,” he said.

That’s another admission of guilt, but you knew that.

“But I will tell you and what I will always ask for and what I will always ask for is anything having to do with corruption with respect to our country,” Trump said.

Trump went on a lengthy monologue until he finally explained that since he was investigated he’s allowed to investigate all his political rivals just because he’s fee-fees were hurt.

The idea that Donald Trump is a crusader against corruption is enough to make me check myself into an institution. Please. But from the looks of it, that’s the defense they are planning to use, at least today.

It’s ludicrous, of course. He is the most corrupt president in history and his family is so exposed that you’d think he would never in a million years open up this can of worms. But then, this is the guy who went after Bill Clinton for womanizing in the midst of his Access Hollywood scandal so this is just his normal, and predictable, response to any threat: “I know you are but what am I”

I think the Democrats would be wise to at least start holding some hearings on Trump’s graft while in office. It won’t shut him up, of course, but it might put some of the Senators running for re-election on the defensive.

Here’s one last night:

I doubt Ernst is in danger of losing her seat. But she is running in this cycle and she’s getting these kinds of questions. Others in less conservative states may not fare as well.


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