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L’état, c’est moi

L’état, c’est moi

by digby

So, the New York Times live tweeted their meeting with Trump today. I’m sure a full write up will be forthcoming as well.

I’m just putting this out there for you to think about. When asked about his overwhelming conflict of interests, this was his answer:

He has just said “the president can’t have a conflict of interest” which is a variant on Richard Nixon’s “if the president does it it’s not illegal.”

There is no law against it. It’s “on his side.” He has no intention of stopping anything he’s doing other than actual check signing, which he says he could continue to do but won’t.

Don’t worry. He’d like to “do something.” He’ll get to it eventually. Right now he’s busy making America great again.

As of right now, Trump has pretty much said that the business of the Trump Organization is the business of the United States of America. He is the State. The State is him.

Even if the GOP turns on his it won’t matter. There are no  Goldwaters, Rhodes’ or Scotts who will tell Trump he’s lost the support of the Party. And anyway he could not care less if he has the support of the party and is too ignorant to know why it matters. The only way out is impeachment. But the Republicans won’t do that either.

I don’t know what it would take to make it happen. They didn’t care that he’s a lying, pussy-grabbing, cretinous, racist sociopath. Why would they care that he blatantly plans to use his office to enrich his family?


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