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Legitimate rape

Legitimate rape

by digby

… well, legitimate sexual assault anyway. Your new Attorney General ladies, when asked about Trump’s “grab ’em by the pussy” comments:

SESSIONS: This was very improper language, and he’s acknowledged that. 

TWS: But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place? 

SESSIONS: I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant— 

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault? 

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

I can tell you how that occurs. A misogynist monster sticks his hand between your legs and squeezes your vulva without permission. If you’re wearing a dress he might even reach underneath and stick his fingers inside your underwear, inside of you.

This has happened to many of us. It’s happened to me. It’s disgusting.

Trump knew he could get away with it and probably much worse. And now so do a lot of other men, including young ones who see there’s no sanction against it.

This sexist, racist backlash is going to be awful.


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