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Conservatives have a new dreamboat (and it isn’t Donald Trump)

The conservative movement finds their new dreamboat

by digby

From Richard Viguerie:

Is It Too Late To Replace Donald Trump With Mike Pence? 

Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman | 10/5/16 

In the aftermath of last night’s vice presidential debate, I ask CHQ readers the question that was undoubtedly on the minds of all of the Republicans and conservatives who watched or listened to Mike Pence’s stellar performance: Is it too late to replace Donald Trump with Mike Pence?  

Tim Kaine talked, acted, sounded like a “I know more than you, trust me” Washington politician.  

Mike Pence laid claim to be the clear and obvious heir to Ronald Reagan with nobody in second place.  

Cancel the next two Presidential debates and rerun the Vice Presidential debate in place of the Presidential debate and the Republicans win in a walk.  

The split screen showed a rude and smirking Tim Kaine. With the sound on or off Tim Kaine was a big loser.  

Last night Mike Pence laid claim to be the leader of the conservative cause for years to come.

He sure showed up Trump didn’t he?


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