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Get your money up front

Get your money up front

by digby

I’ve been saying this from the beginning. Anyone who works for Trump is a chump:

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has run an unusually cheap campaign in part by not paying at least 10 top staffers, consultants and advisers, some of whom are no longer with the campaign, according to a review of federal campaign finance filings.

   Those who have so far not been paid, the filings show, include recently departed campaign manager Paul Manafort, California state director Tim Clark, communications director Michael Caputo and a pair of senior aides who left the campaign in June to immediately go to work for a Trump Super PAC.

The New York real estate magnate and his allies have touted his campaign’s frugality, saying it is evidence of his management skills. His campaign’s spending has totaled $89.5 million so far, about a third of what Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign has spent.

But not compensating top people in a presidential campaign is a departure from campaign finance norms. Many of the positions involved might typically come with six-figure annual paychecks in other campaigns.

“It’s unprecedented for a presidential campaign to rely so heavily on volunteers for top management positions,” said Paul Ryan, an election lawyer with the campaign finance reform advocacy group Campaign Legal Center.

The Trump campaign said the Reuters’ reporting was “sloppy at best” but declined to elaborate.

One of the 10 who were unpaid, Michael Caputo, told a Buffalo radio station in June after he resigned from the campaign, that he was not volunteering. Rather, he said he just had not gotten paid. Caputo confirmed to Reuters on Thursday that the Trump campaign has still not paid his invoices.

You’ll note that he’s paying for his wealthy children’s travel and expenses though. First things first.

Campaign employees should know that if he loses they will not paid. That’s how he rolls. If you don’t “do the job right” in his view you don’t deserve t get paid for your work. He’s done that through his entire career. That’s what most of those thousands of lawsuits are about. The man is a con artist. He doesn’t honor his commitments.

It’s hard to feel sorry for these top people. They should know what they’re getting into. But the small time vendors around the country who are going to get screwed are another story. It’s a damned shame.


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