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Outreach to the only voters who really matter

Outreach to the only voters who really matter

by digby

Corey Lewandowski:

“Look, I think Donald Trump’s message tonight was the message that he started with back on June of 2015, which was ‘America First,’” Lewandkowski said. “That’s what he believes, and what he is playing to — and if you look at the polling data, he’s got about an 18 point lead in the demographic of white males who are voting in this election.” 

“They have a high propensity of voting, and so he’s got about an 18 point lead on Hillary Clinton in that particular demographic,” he continued. “This speech is clearly geared at those individuals right now, to make sure they are there, he has locked them in for the election.”

I guess they’ve determined that white guys want a racist, throwback orange demagogue. Good to know. 
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