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The latest insult

The latest insult

by digby

Apparently, unless a country is capable of launching a full military attack against us or is willing to pay the protection demands of the US with no questions asked, Trump considers them an enemy. Or something. His incessant hammering of American allies and threats to walk away from treaties is already causing damage. It doesn’t take much to imagine that foreign leaders, some of whom have to deal with militaristic elements in their own countries, have sharpened their views of the US based on the fact that this loon is the Republican nominee for president:

He expressed his frustration that the US is bound by treaty to defend the Asian nation but that if the United States is attacked, the Japanese cannot help because of Article 9, which constitutionally forbids it to send armed forces overseas.

He said that it “could be necessary” for the US to walk away from the treaty, or at least threaten to do so.

At a campaign event in Iowa, Mr Trump also repeated his criticism of countries that do not pull their weight in terms of financial contributions to Nato.

“You know we have a treaty with Japan, where if Japan is attacked, we have to use the full force and might of the United States,” he said.

“If we’re attacked, Japan doesn’t have to do anything. They can sit home and watch Sony television, OK?”

Mr Trump added that the US protects Japan, South Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia and other nations, and “they don’t pay anything near what it costs”.

“They have to pay. Because this isn’t 40 years ago,” he added.

“It’s got to be a two-way street.”

He loves General Douglas MacArthur but apparently is completely clueless about MacArthur’s actual history. Or any history for that matter. The last thing he read was a Prince Valiant classic comic.


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