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A public disservice announcement


As of this writing, two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have tested positive for COVID-19: Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Thom Tillis of North Carolina. Nebraska Republican Sen.

Ben Sasse has tested negative but will self-quarantine. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa refuses to be tested even after meeting with Lee on Thursday. Both serve on Judiciary. More Republican Judiciary members at the acting president’s Rose Garden ceremony last week shared the second row with those now known to be infected.

Esquire’s Charlie Pierce:

McConnell says the nomination remains at full throttle and on schedule, but the reporting out of Washington indicates that the White House staff is completely freaking out, and that the Senate majority over which McConnell presides is wondering if pumping the brakes a bit might be the play now. [WaPo’s Robert] Costa managed to pry this money quote out of a GOP aide, who wants the Leader to take next week off:

“If some in the Republican caucus get sick, we are screwed.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell insisted on Friday morning he means to press “full steam ahead” on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) could end up mighty lonely and short on votes at his own hearing.

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