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“Why can’t we use nukes?”

“Why can’t we use nukes?”

by digby

That’s the question Trump reportedly asked several times during a national security briefing:

JOE SCARBOROUGH (CO-HOST): Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump, and three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked, at one point, “If we have them, why can’t we use them?” 


SCARBOROUGH: That’s one of the reasons why he has — he just doesn’t have foreign policy experts around him. 

BARNICLE: Trump? Trump asked three times whether we can use nuclear weapons? 

SCARBOROUGH: Three times in an hour briefing, “Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?”

Everyone is asking Scarborough why he didn’t think this was important enough to report months ago when he first heard it and that’s a good question. But it’s not the most important question. The most important question is whether or not it’s sane to allow someone who doesn’t know why we should not use nuclear weapons to become president of the most powerful nation on earth.

This is nuts. But at least we now know what he means when he says he’s going to “take out ISIS so fast your head will spin.”


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