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Right wing fears

Right wing fears

by digby

It’s been a while since I checked in with the right wing fever swamp. Here’s the latest:

Dear Digby,

Your answers are urgently needed on our National Citizen Opinion Survey about the growing foothold Islamic supremacists and their agenda for dominating the world known as Sharia are achieving in America.

Alarmingly, those who believe Islam and its repressive anti-Constitutional Sharia must rule the whole world are making serious inroads in towns and cities right here in America – sometimes with our own tax dollars!

What makes matters worse is that Sharia-adherent Muslims are presenting themselves as followers of “religion” and, thereby, entitled to First Amendment protections under our Constitution. In fact, they are waging jihad (holy war) – in one form or another – to force this country and the rest of the world, Muslim and non-Muslims like, to submit to their anti-constitutional legal and political Sharia code.

And with illegal and legal Muslim immigration in America growing at record rates, Sharia’s adherents are seeking to change not only the make-up of our population – as they are doing so dramatically in Europe at the moment. They are also intent on challenging the Judeo-Christian foundation of our U.S. Constitution, our democratic form of government and our culture and values, often in ways unknown to most Americans.

One of those ways is by asserting that their mosques and so-called “Islamic Societies” in this country must be treated like churches and synagogues. In practice, though, such Sharia-adherent facilities serve as infrastructure the jihadists can use to advance their assault against America.

Some provide safe-haven for terrorist recruitment and indoctrination in their quest for world dominance and power. If their counterparts in Europe are any guide, some are also stockpiling weapons for the jihad.

That’s why it’s so vital for you to sign your National Citizen Opinion Survey in support of keeping U.S. courts and government agencies from enabling Sharia law to take hold here. Whether or not this problem has affected your area yet, just think about this. An undercover investigation found that a staggering 80% of the 100 randomly selected American mosques it surveyed conform to Sharia. And each of those 80 mosques promoted “jihad” – violence, terrorism and “holy war” against “non-believers.”
How can this be happening in our country? Much of it is being orchestrated by a particularly dangerous Islamic supremacist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. In a secret plan that fell into law enforcement’s hands in 2004, the Brotherhood calls its work “civilization jihad,” a stealthy and seditious effort aimed at, in their words, “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Here are some of the ways the civilization jihadist leaders are stealthily trying to take us down:

The Islamic supremacists are placing Muslim Brothers into positions as advisors to and, in some cases as employees of, our government – placements that facilitate their insidious influence operations.

The Islamists seek to prevent our free speech – particularly the kind that might allow us to understand and effectively counteract their secretive assaults on our country and its institutions.

Muslim Brotherhood operatives and their enablers are trying to use the “Common Core” curriculum – our children’s textbooks – to promote Islamic supremacism in our academic institutions.

The Islamists are working to insinuate Sharia into U.S. courts and establish their own parallel “Islamic tribunals” to subvert our rule of law and Constitution.

The Islamic supremacists are using our immigration system – especially our refugee resettlement program – to engage in what they call hijra, Muslim colonization, in America.

The Islamists enlist leaders of other religions through so-called “interfaith dialogue” to obscure and enable what is fundamentally a subversive political, not a true religious, agenda. And, Islamic supremacists use what is known as “Sharia-Compliant Finance” to penetrate and coopt our capitalist system. While the Europeans are further down the tubes than we are at the moment, I think you’ll agree there is reason to believe we are catching up. For example:

Many national food chains are now selling unmarked Sharia-compliant “Halal” meat (the animal is ritually-slaughtered by a Muslim who sacrifices it to Allah), unbeknownst to most Americans who are buying and consuming it.

Our own U.S. Treasury Dept. has hosted in its headquarters a course called “Islamic Finance 101” to promote Sharia-compliant financial activities. And today, most of our major banks and financial institutions – including one-time government-owned and taxpayer-funded AIG – offer “Sharia-Compliant” products that are overseen by Muslim “scholars” to ensure they comply with Islamic law.

Some public and taxpayer-funded university gyms are now providing separate hours for male and female swimming – to comply with Sharia laws for Islamic followers.

Several years ago, at a Tyson’s chicken processing plant in Tennessee, the American Labor Day holiday was REPLACED with an Islamic religious holiday. A public outcry forced the company to reverse that decision, but it did so by making accommodations for both holidays.

A New Jersey judge denied a protective order to a Moroccan-American woman being systematically beaten and tortured by her Muslim husband on the grounds that he was just practicing his faith according to Sharia. And in Virginia, an Islamic school operating under Sharia not only ignored the reports by a little girl that she was being molested by her father, but the principal sent her home for him to “handle it”.

My name is Frank Gaffney. I am the founder and President of Secure Freedom (also known as the Center for Security Policy). For twenty-eight years, we have forged partnerships between elected and other government officials, present and former military leaders, experts and citizens like you to safeguard our U.S. national security against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Since well before the attacks by jihadists on 9/11, we have been investigating and challenging Islamic supremacism, and the growing influence of Sharia in America. Perhaps you’ve seen me as a guest on Fox News and other media outlets warning about Sharia. They call me or a member of my staff when they need an expert on how Islamic supremacism, its Sharia program and jihad are becoming problems for Americans – not just somewhere else, but here at home, as well.

Make no mistake. These threats will destroy America from within – unless we stop them. That’s why we’ve launched a major national educational campaign to expose millions of Americans to the truth and mobilize them to turn this crisis around now . . . before it’s too late.
Simply put, Sharia is fundamentally incompatible with the rule of law in a republic such as ours. That’s because our Constitution’s Article I explicitly makes it the “supreme law of the land.” Sharia law cannot be allowed to supplant that founding document – especially since it guarantees that every individual citizen is “endowed by our Creator” with an identical set of rights, no matter their gender or religion. That’s not the case under Sharia. Muslims have different rights than non-Muslims. Men have different rights than women. And some – like homosexuals, apostates and those who offend Muslims – have no rights at all and are eligible to be killed.

But if the Islamic supremacists succeed in hiding their true agenda and the progress they are making towards realizing it, they will continue to erode our freedom of speech and other rights and continue to subvert our country. By engaging our legislators, enlisting our community leaders and educating millions of concerned Americans around the county with information kits and critical alerts, I believe this is a battle we can win. But not without help like yours and others who we are asking to give us a hand. And our first and most critical step is to get my email and this National Citizen Opinion Survey to at least 3 million like-minded citizens starting within the next 60 days. And that’s where your assistance is sorely needed…

Perhaps this problem has not directly affected you or your community, yet. But I can assure you, with Muslim immigration at record rates and the success of the Islamists’ civilization jihad, it soon will.

So please join us in working to counter jihad and secure freedom by completing the National Citizen Opinion Survey – a critical first step in helping us protect our Constitution and our country in these difficult and increasingly dangerous times.

With heartfelt thanks for your help,

Frank Gaffney
Founder and President
Secure Freedom

And people wonder how Donald Trump came to win the GOP nomination? The GOP has put up with people like this for decades. And now the wingnuts have come home to roost.

Also too:

“The level of self-deception necessary to misunderstand the Muslim Brotherhood verges on a psychosis,” said Newt Gingrich. Yet time and again Senator John McCain has risen to publicly, and on very personal terms, defend Muslim Brotherhood connected individuals from scrutiny of their association with the largest and most dangerous jihadi organization.

So, there you go.


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