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Break-even price breaks Joni Ernst

It was stunning when the acting president complained to an Iowa audience the other day that Iowa flooding and crop losses got more press than his third Nobel nomination. Sen. Joni Ernst tried to one-up him in her debate Thursday night with Democrat Theresa Greenfield.

From the Des Moines Register:

The candidates were also asked for the break-even price of corn, in Greenfield’s case, and soybeans, in Ernst’s case.

“Well a bushel of corn is going for about $3.68, today, $3.69, and breakeven really just depends on the amount of debt someone has,” Greenfield said as moderator Ron Steele nodded and said “that’s correct.”

Ernst was then asked about the price of soybeans, but began her answer by talking about the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement and its impact on Iowa’s corn market. When Steele followed up, Ernst appeared to believe he had asked her about corn as well.

“I might have missed it, I don’t think you answered my question: What’s the breakeven price for soybeans in Iowa? You grew up on a farm, you should know this,” Steele said.

“I think you had asked about corn, and it depends on what the inputs are, but probably about $5.50,” Ernst said.

“Well, you’re a couple dollars off, I think here, because it’s $10.05, but we’ll move on to something else,” Steele said.

Greenfield’s RCP average is above average too.

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