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“Proper mitigation factors”

The misery of life in an iron lung – why polio vaccination is STILL a must.  | Well, This Is What I Think
“What we need to do is make sure we have the proper mitigation factors to make sure people don’t die.” White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows

The Trump White House is not even trying to contain the coronavirus pandemic. This is beyond belief. Beyond irresponsible. It is inhuman.

Don’t imagine the response if a Democrat took this approach. Imagine if Dwight Eisenhower did. Even then, he had to fight a Texan leading his own Department of Health, Education and Welfare who “disputed suggestions that the distribution should be regulated or managed by the federal government or that it should be compulsory.” In her view, that was a “back door to socialized medicine.” Eisenhower prevailed. Oveta Culp Hobby resigned.

While it waits for an effective vaccine, the Trump administration finds it acceptable that you get the coronavirus and don’t die.

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