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Huh. I wonder what this is all about?

Huh. I wonder what this is all about?

by digby

 Dan Balz:

When the electorate is divided into different population groups, it’s even clearer how much trouble Trump has created for himself. Trump’s base during the primaries was among white, working-class voters. But it’s become apparent that his real base is among white men. Among white men without a college degree, he’s actually in positive territory. Among white women without a college degree, he’s not. 

Overlooked perhaps is Clinton’s image deficit among whites, particularly among white men. Just 23 percent of white men view her favorably, compared with 75 percent unfavorable. But she counters with strongly positive numbers among nonwhites, who are 2 to 1 positive about her.

Needless to say, this is being interpreted by plenty of people as a sign that Clinton is horribly unlikable.  And that’s true. 75% of white men don’t like her. And they, after all, are the only one who really count, amirite?

Never let it be said that it has anything at all to do with sexism among these white men though. Because it doesn’t. Just because people of color and women have a more positive view of Clinton doesn’t mean she’s not unlikable. They just don’t understand the issues. I mean, if you take all of those women and racial and ethnic minorities out of the equation, her unfavorables would match Trump’s.

Maybe that’s one of the things Trump can do to make America great again. Put the right people back in charge. Like when police could beat protesters without all that silly civil rights folderol. When you could just round up people who “look Mexican” and drop them in the Sonoran desert. And women and blacks couldn’t vote. You know,  the good old days.


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