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QOTD: Professor Trump

QOTD: Professor Trump

by digby

Here’s Professor Trump on Hannity last night sharing his vast sociological knowledge with the discerning Fox News audience:

Hannity: Here’s a big broader question. If you grow up under Sharia law, and as a man, you think you have the right to tell a woman how to dress, whether she can drive a car, whether she can go to school or whether she can go to work, and she would need four male eyewitnesses for rape — in some cases they don’t even believe in marital rape. The question is: if you grow up there, you want to come to American how do we vet somebody’s heart and ascertain if they’re coming here for freedom or if they want to proselytize, indoctrinate and bring the theocracy with them?

Trump: Assimilation has been very hard. It’s almost, I won’t say nonexistent, but it gets to be pretty close. And I’m talking about second and third generation. They come, they don’t — or some reason there’s no real assimilation.

Hannity: right …

Trump: And you see it all over the place, And, you know, what are we going to do? I’m not even talking about assimilation. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about there is a percentage of people that want to do what this maniac did in Orlando. There’s a percentage of people., That percentage becomes — the number of people become more and more as we take in thousands and thousands of more people. There’s a hate that’s going on that’s unbelievable, ok? Unbelievable. They don’t mind dying. There’s a hate that’s going on that’s unbelievable. And we allow it to happen.They use the the internet better than we do. ISIS is using the internet better than we do.

He seems smart.

If you have any doubts, read this.

*Hannity might want to rethink bringing up the marital rape thing. Just saying.


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