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Listen to the people, not the NRA

Listen to the people, not the NRA

by digby

Seven Quinnipiac University National polls conducted from February 7, 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, through November 5, 2015, show American voters support “requiring background checks for all gun buyers,” with support ranging from 88 – 10 percent to 93 – 5 percent.

Support for “a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons” ranges from 54 – 41 percent to 59 – 36 percent in four national polls by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe- ack) University Poll since February, 2013.

Support for background checks and an assault weapons ban remains consistently high and has not faded since the Sandy Hook massacre.

Who cares what the people think, amirite?


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