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Trump on American Exceptionalism

Trump on American Exceptionalism

by digby

I have my issues with the term as well, but not for these reasons. Apparently, Trump thinks we should “take back” all the things we’ve “given” the rest of the world.

“I don’t like the term. I’ll be honest with you. People say, ‘Oh he’s not patriotic.’ Look, if I’m a Russian, or I’m a German, or I’m a person we do business with, why, you know, I don’t think it’s a very nice term. We’re exceptional; you’re not. First of all, Germany is eating our lunch. So they say, ‘Why are you exceptional? We’re doing a lot better than you.’ I never liked the term.

“And perhaps that’s because I don’t have a very big ego and I don’t need terms like that. Honestly. When you’re doing business — I watch Obama every once in a while saying ‘American exceptionalism,’ it’s [Trump makes a face]. I don’t like the term. Because we’re dealing — first of all, I want to take everything back from the world that we’ve given them. We’ve given them so much. On top of taking it back, I don’t want to say, ‘We’re exceptional. we’re more exceptional.’ Because essentially we’re saying, ‘We’re more outstanding than you. By the way, you’ve been eating our lunch for the last 20 years, but we’re more exceptional than you.’ I don’t like the term. I never liked it.

“When I see these politicians get up [and say], ‘the American exceptionalism’ — we’re dying. We owe 18 trillion in debt. I’d like to make us exceptional. And I’d like to talk later instead of now. Does that make any sense? Because I think you’re insulting the world. And you, know, if you’re German, or you’re from Japan, or you’re from China, you don’t want to have people saying that. I never liked the expression. And I see a lot of good patriots get up and talk about Amer — you can think it, but I don’t think we should say it. We may have a chance to say it in the not-too-distant future. But even then, I wouldn’t say it because when I take back the jobs, and when I take back all that money and we get all our stuff, I’m not going to rub it in. Let’s not rub it in. Let’s not rub it in. But I never liked that term.”

What a fucking idiot.

The problem with “American exceptionalism” isn’t that saying it hurts the feelings of other countries — something Trump isn’t really shy about so that’s just nonsense. The problem with American Exceptionalism is that it’s used to excuse American global hegemony in the name of being God’s anointed “shining city on a hill.”

But whatever. The point here is that Trump says he “wants to take everything back that we’ve given the world” which is just … crazy. Not to mention the fact that he also wants to take other country’s oil because well, we need oil.

He’s a paranoid moron who truly believes the country has been screwed by the rest of the world and we are weak and fragile because of it. He insists the rest of the world is “laughing at us”.  The opposite is true. The US is the most powerful nation on earth.

And he’s been saying this for 30 years like it’s stuck in his head on a loop. Here’s the op-ed Trump published back in 1987 that Clinton mentioned in her speech in San Diego:


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