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Sure, he’s a racist but he’s our racist

Sure, he’s a racist but he’s our racist

by digby

Chris Christie shows fealty to his liege Lord:

Calling the controversy over Trump’s claims a media-driven “kerfuffle,” Christie said he would not respond to questions regarding whether Trump was being racist. He framed Trump’s claims as not atypical: “There are always going to be conflicts regarding civil lawsuits. People are always going to express their opinions,” he said. “Those are Donald’s opinions and he has the right to express them—the same way anybody else has a right to express any of their views regarding how they are treated in the civil or criminal courts in this country. That’s part of what free speech is all about.”

He’s a real profile in courage isn’t he?

Others, like Orin Hatch say that people should be nicer to Trump because he’s a first time candidate. Paul Ryan is twisting himself into a pretzel saying Trump is not a racist but he says racist things. Lindsay Graham says Trump’s given people an off-ramp al though he hasn’t said he’s on it.

Most of the Republicans calling out Trump for racism today are still endorsing him. But you can bet that the one’s in tight races are starting to think about defecting.

Here’s one:

Let’s see how many follow …


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