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QOTD: Republican angst edition

QOTD: Republican angst edition 

by digby

On CNN just a few minutes ago:

Jim Geraghty, National Review: This is only going to get worse for Republicans.There is no better Trump behind the curtain waiting to be unveiled sometime. He’s not going to get more sensible or more constructive with his words. This is who he is. He has the impulse control of a toddler. And there’s no reason to think “oh, by November he’ll pull his act together” he’ll stop making controversial statements.  This is the Trump brand. White nationalism! Why would the Republican party ever want to be associated with this because they’ll lose every swing state and every swing district 

Congressman Lee Zeldin NY: What about the Supreme Court?

Because what you want is a White Nationalist appointing Supreme Court justices. Natch.

Paul Ryan said Trump’s remarks were racist so there’s that.

Doug Heye GOP strategist: Paul Ryan is trying to talk about issues because Republicans can win on issues. But Donald Trump won’t talk about issues. And if you’re on the Hillary Clinton campaign this is the exact script that you want to write. Hillary Clinton is going to try to unify her party tonight and tomorrow. Republicans are fighting about whether or not their candidate is racist. And he sure is saying racist things.

Kate Bolduan: Steve is Hillary Clinton a better option?

Steve Lonegan former Cruz state chairman: I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton. I’m also not voting for Donald Trump. But what’s ironic Kate is that the Courageous Conservative Pac we’re focused down-ballot because we can’t do anything about the White House which is turning out to be a debacle. I would jut remind everybody that there’s a primary today in New Jersey and California. I’d watch what kind of numbers Donald Trump gets. If he gets less than 80% and he’s running unopposed he’s got a big problem and so does the whole Republican party.

Man …


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