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Lie o’ the week

Lie o’ the week

by digby

President Trump lashed out Sunday night at the news media for reporting that he would meet with Iranian leaders with “no conditions” — something Trump has said on camera at least twice and that senior administration officials repeated to reporters just last week.

In fact, Trump said as much during a June 23 appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” after host Chuck Todd asked if he had a message to deliver to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, about his country’s potential development of a nuclear weapon.

“You can’t have a nuclear weapon. You want to talk? Good. Otherwise you can have a bad economy for the next three years,” Trump said.

“No preconditions?” Todd asked.

“Not as far as I’m concerned. No preconditions,” Trump replied.

July 30, 2018:

Asked about a potential meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Trump said: “I believe in meeting. I would certainly meet with Iran if they wanted to meet. I don’t know if they’re ready yet.”

“I’m ready to meet anytime they want to,” Trump added. “No preconditions. If they want to meet, we’ll meet.”

And then these two guys just last week:

The problem is that his people will never see that. Fox won’t show it. Talk radio won’t play the tape. Their bubble is pretty impermeable.

Still, it’s good to keep the record straight. Trump is lying. As usual.

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