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Dear Leader Watch

Dear Leader Watch

by digby

Fox is getting to be more and more like North Korean state TV every day:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Read The Art of the Deal. Some of you in the media mob, you might discover Trump says, always be willing to walk away from a deal, even up to the last second.

We saw Europe learn this the hard way. Remember, Neville Chamberlain came back after meeting with Hitler in Munich and trying to appease Nazi Germany told the people of Great Britain they will have peace in their time — but in the end, appeasement never works.

Winston Churchill had the moral clarity, he understood the nature of this enemy, and he knew there was only one way to negotiate with a tyrant and a killer and a mass murderer like Hitler, and he said it — “blood, toil, tears, and sweat.”

Man that’s dumb. So very, very dumb.

He’s lucky Fox News viewers are also historically illiterate and have apparently never paid any attention to anything a conservative has said over the past 60 years. If they weren’t they would realize that Trump is Chamberlain in this scenario.

They are on the team and they make no bones about it:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): There’s one thing that’s going to be certain, though, and that is – as we were talking about this campaign – the biggest contributor will be the media mob. The New York Times, Fake News CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS – I mean, pretty much everybody except for like me, Tucker, Lou Dobbs, Rush, Mark, Jeanine, you know there’s only a few of us, I’m going to forget a few people. And then our great guests like Joe and Victoria and Gregg and John and I’m going to miss people, but you get my point. So will that have any impact in any way? Last question Kayleigh McEnany, Jeff Lord.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY: Yeah, the work that you do every night, Sean, is going to go a long way. It already has. We now have the Justice Department looking into the misdeeds of the Obama administration and look, if Joe Biden is the nominee, the Democrats really have a huge albatross around their neck ’cause he was right there in the center of all the wrongdoing we saw happen there…

JEFFREY LORD: You will be there and Tucker and Laura and all of these folks will be there to answer this.


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