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I’ve got your rambling old white man for you right here

I’ve got your rambling old white man for you right here

by digby

For all the fears about Joe Biden’s uhm …undisciplined delivery, get a load of this:

President Trump on Thursday told GOP lawmakers at a retreat in Baltimore that “it doesn’t matter” if people like him or not, they have “no choice” but to elect him.

“Whether you like me or not, it doesn’t matter,” Trump said at the conference Thursday night, according to The New York Times. “You have to elect me. You have no choice.”

“Our country will go to hell if any of these people get in,” he continued in reference to Democratic presidential candidates, further warning that if one of them gets elected they would “take your money and very much hurt your families.”

The comments were part of a 68-minute address he gave to the House GOP retreat in Baltimore, which took place during the third Democratic presidential primary debate on Thursday night.

During his speech, he also poked fun at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) name, which he reportedly shortened to “Cortez” because he didn’t have time to “go through the whole damn name.” He made a similar jab at the congresswoman at a rally earlier this year.

He also singled out some Democratic presidential contenders for criticism, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.

“I hit Pocahontas too early — I thought she was gone, she has emerged on the ashes and now it looks like she could beat sleepy Joe,” he said.

The president also took a moment to criticize wind turbines, which he once said emit noise that cause cancer.

Trump said “they make noise, they kill all the birds, the energy is intermittent,” according to The Times.

While talking about the structures, the president also reportedly pondered about what would happen to a family watching the Democratic debate on Thursday night on a television that was powered by wind energy.

“You happen to be watching the Democratic debate and the wind isn’t blowing,” Trump said, according to the Times. “You’re not going to see the debate. ‘Charlie, what the hell happened to this debate?’ He says, ‘Darling, the wind isn’t blowing. The goddamned windmill stopped.’”

Forget MAGA. It’s obvious that he’s going to run on “you have no choice but to vote for me.” His BFFs Putin and Kim are nodding their heads in agreement.

Anyway, you can watch some of it here — if you’re a masochist.


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