We see once again that voter fraud hucksters are so committed to their hustle that, just to prove cheating is possible, they will commit the very election crimes they claim are committed by legions of Others.
Tim Miller explains the “all-time self-own” at The Bulwark:
The lede in Monday’s Grand Junction Sentinel brings the Kraken: “The Mesa County Clerk’s Office is under investigation…for a breach in security over its election system.”
A breach! It’s Happening!!!
But no, the breach wasn’t coming from the anti-Trump deep state. Instead, the clerk who is under investigation for tampering with the county election system is Tina Peters, a fervent supporter of Donald Trump and amateur vaccine science aficionado, who appears to have executed a self-own of historic proportion.
Last week Gateway Pundit reported that Q himself…errr “CodeMonkeyZ” Ron Watkins…posted a video and a few screenshots to his Telegram that had been provided by a “whistleblower.” The posts were supposed to demonstrate that Dominion Voting Systems machines could in fact be connected to the internet, which is a necessary but not sufficient element in support of their bat guano theory of election fraud.
The grainy, shaky video presented a conversation between an election official and a Dominion employee, in which the election official asks a series of leading questions in order to demonstrate how, with the help of someone on the inside, the machine could hypothetically be tampered with over the internet using the BIOS motherboard settings.
When the official shared this “bombshell” video with CodeMonkey Watkins they included in it an image of their election system’s BIOS password, which is, of course, a massive breach of voting system security.
What the “whistleblower” did not realize was that the password was unique. The office of Secretary of State Jena Griswold traced it to the county behind the leak and, eventually, to Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters, who is now under investigation.
Griswold says the posts do not imminently threaten Colorado’s election security but require investigation. She has ordered Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters to allow the Secretary of State’s Office to change equipment passwords and turn over all surveillance footage of the election equipment between May 24 and Aug. 9, along with access logs and chain-of-custody logs.
The sweeping order also requires Peters to hand over any communications, including texts and voicemails, in which she or her staff discussed Dominion or the alleged breach, along with all background checks on clerk’s office employees. Peters must do so by Thursday.
Peters, a Republican, had posted a series of since-deleted, full-on-MAGA tweets claiming the 2020 election was “planned fraud on a grand scale,” that ballots can be counted more than once, and Dominion Voting machines easliy hacked. And voting in her office? Days after the election, she reported everything had gone cleanly and her audits passed with flying colors, according to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel.
It is another self-own in the grand tradition of James O’Keefe, Professional Person Impersonator. O’Keefe and three accomplices were arrested and convicted in 2010 for passing themselves off as telephone repairmen to gain access to the federal office of Sen. Mary Landrieu in New Orleans.
O’Keefe in 2016 secretly videoed himself impersonating one “Brian Dickerson,” a columnist for the Detroit Free Press at Dickerson’s polling place in a Detroit suburb. Cindy Rose, a veteran poll worker who knew the real Dickerson, suggested that if he had lost his driver’s license on a hunting trip (as O’Keefe claimed), he could sign an affidavit attesting to being Dickerson and cast a provisional ballot. (Rose had already called the city clerk’s office to verify that the real Dickerson had already cast his ballot. ) Had O’Keefe signed, that act would have been a felony, as both Rose and O’Keefe well knew. O’Keefe walked out instead.
Voter fraud fraudsters are so desperate to prove election crimes occured that they will commit them themselves just to prove it. Most are less slick than O’Keefe.