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The counter attack. Lol.

The counter attack. Lol.

by digby

The conservative writer who organized the big anti-Donald Trump manifesto out tonight, along with three of the writers who signed on, to explain why they do not want Trump as president and do not think he is a great vessel for conservative values.

National Review is running a huge anti-Trump manifesto available online later tonight, organized by editor Rich Lowry. The writers include Glenn Beck, conservative media watchdog Brent Bozell, Erick Erickson, Bill Kristol, Dana Loesch, Michael Medved, evangelical leader Russell Moore, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Katie Pavlich, John Podhoretz, and others––for a grand total of 22 major anti-Trump conservatives.

Lowry told Megyn Kelly this isn’t the establishment turning on Trump, because now it appears the establishment is starting to warm up to him. He declared that Trump “doesn’t truly understand the ideas and principles that make this country great,” and rejected Trump comparing himself to Ronald Reagan on the grounds that Reagan “didn’t just show up one day” and suddenly say he was a Republican.

Loesch, Bozell, and Pavlich then joined Kelly, and they all were equally harsh on Trump. Loesch said this is about “principles over popularity,” Bozell said Trump has done pretty much nothing for the conservative movement, and Pavlich said Trump continues to “espouse liberal ideas” on the campaign trail.

Watch the video here.

Oh my God, this is so good.

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