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Let them drink champagne!

Let them drink champagne!

by digby


HEATHER NAUERT (Fox News HOST): Class action lawsuit set to be filed against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and other leaders in that state, as frustration over a water crisis in Flint, Michigan intensifies today. National Guard troops called in to help deliver clean water after Flint’s water supply was contaminated with very dangerous lead, as any parent would know about that because that’s one of the top things that doctors look for in young children. So let’s bring in Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett. Gregg, as an example of how political this is now getting, the mayor of Flint, Michigan at the White House at this hour, meeting with Valerie Jarrett. The White House is going to be naming a czar. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders weighing in in the Democratic debate coming down on Republicans about this.

GREGG JARRETT: Because it raises issue of class and race. Sixty percent of the residents of Flint, Michigan are black. Forty-one percent live below the poverty line. They’re going to the White House because they want a federal emergency disaster declaration to get federal funds but they’re likely not going to get it.

NAUERT: Well this is a way they could potentially get more black votes in the coming election.

Gosh, if you look at it that way, can’t we assume that Rick Snyder’s malfeasance was just a way to potentially kill Democratic voters?

I love that. Flint residents are trying to suck off the government teat as usual. The fact that they have to because their drinking water is poisoned well, too bad. Go buy a bottle of imported French bubbly like these TV celebrities and STFU.

Also, I hate to tell these idiots, but there’s no need for Democrats to work this hard just to “get the black vote.” Over 90% vote Democratic anyway. And it’s because Republicans keep trying to stop them from voting at all. Also — trying to kill them.


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