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Banning is as banning does

Banning is as banning does

by digby

Today the UK Parliament debated whether to ban Donald Trump from entering the country. Half a million people signed a petition demanding it. They are concerned that a man who makes such racist comments presents a danger to the British people.And they want to make a point.

You can watch it here. It is downright surreal:

And to think the GOP establishment thinks this guy could possibly be an acceptable president of the world’s only superpower.

If you don’t want to listen to the whole thing, there are some good highlights here. For instance:

Tom Tugendhat, a Conservative MP, says that it is right to have this debate, but that Trump shouldn’t be banned.

The MP says Trump is “crazy”, but that “I will not be the one to silence his voice”.

He adds: “Liberty is not something we can take in caution or in part”.

He says: “Although I may not like it, and I can be absolutely sure I wouldn’t support it, it is no place of me or this House to criticise a man running for elected office in a foreign country.
“I believe it is for the American people to judge him”.

That may be a slim reed on which to hang your hopes …


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