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A little Friday night picker upper

A little Friday night picker upper

by digby

I have been following the story  at The Dodo of this tiny kitten named Smurf who was dyed purple and used as a chew toy in training dogs for dog fighting. (Apparently this is a common practice.) Anyway, the poor little thing was rescued and is now in recovery at the Nine Lives Foundation.

Here’s a little uplifting news about her:

Just days after Smurf was taken in by the Nine Lives Foundation, a rescue center for injured and abused felines in California, the group saved another kitty with serious injuries — a cat named Wanda. She had been found shivering next to a garbage can, her left eye crushed and the right suffering from an infection leaving her blinded.

In that darkness, though, she found a companion.

“She was placed in the same cage as SMURF on her very first day and has become bonded with him,” the Nine Lives Foundation wrote on Facebook.

They are now inseparable.

Over the last few days, the pair has shown signs of improvement thanks to the expert care of their rescuers and also the steady companionship they’re receiving from one another.
Their snuggling has been so constant, in fact, that Wanda has actually picked up some of the purple dye someone had poured over Smurf — a stain of cruelty transformed into a mark of friendship and solidarity.

Here they are, with little Smurf making frantic cookies!

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SMURF’S daily update!From all of us at Nine Lives we thank all of you for your generous support of our mission to save…
Posted by Nine Lives Foundation on Monday, January 4, 2016

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