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Oh boo hoo hoo #Oregonstandoff

Oh boo hoo hoo #Oregonstandoff

by digby

It always amuses me to see what babies these gun-toting tough guys are. Yesterday they were begging people to send “snacks”. Today there’s this:

Members of the armed anti-government group occupying a remote federal building near Burns, Oregon, have some shaky ideas about how they compare to the Black Lives Matter movement, saying that they are suffering far worse treatment.

In the parking lot of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge — which the militants stormed and took over on Saturday in the name of grazing privileges — a man who claimed to be a body guard for the group’s leaders said they are facing worse resistance than Black Lives Matter, a nationwide campaign to end police brutality against people of color.

“The Black Lives Matter movement, they can go and protest, close freeways down and all that stuff, and they don’t get any backlash, not on the level that we’re getting,” said the man, who identified himself as “Fluffy Unicorn.”

While acknowledging that police have used force against Black Lives Matter protesters, he also said “their level of protesting is different; we’re not obstructing schools.” (In fact, an Oregon school district has canceled classes this week because of the federal building’s occupation.)
So far, backlash to the occupation has included hashtags like #YallQaeda and #YeeHawd on social media to describe the group’s attempts to defy the federal government.

I guess they don’t realize that Black Lives Matter protester don’t carry a guns to their protests. That’s because they know if they did they’d be mowed down with extreme prejudice:

Their leader Aamon Bundy said today they are not about “fear, force or intimidation”. See, they have promised to only use force if law enforcement intervened.And they have not. According to MSNBC the authorities are nowhere to be seen near the occupation. So, you can see how unfair it is that people are using mean hashtags.

Maybe we should send them some pacifiers and baby bottles.


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