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Rush’s talking points

Rush’s talking points

by digby

He calls them his pearls of wisdom.These are the points he made on his show that have been distills into quotes for the web page. I suspect that Trump has them printed out for him:

“Isn’t it great to have me back, folks? Face it. I know it’s great to be back and I know you think it’s great that I’m back, so it’s good to all be here.”

“My two cents on this is that whatever they want to claim the reason for this market plunge is, there’s always what they don’t say. What’s going on in China with their stock market, but there’s another factor here, and that’s our own economy that I think is a factor as well.”

“The world already knows what we are. That’s why they all want to live here. We don’t have anything to prove to anybody. We don’t have to prove freedom or liberty. We are it.”

“Washington’s where all the money ends up before it then gets redistributed. Everybody there has got their hands in that pile one way or the other. And growing that pile, which is created by spending, not by collections, which goes to show you how rigged and artificial it is.”

“What really has the Middle East on fire is Obama and his decision to sidle up with the Iranians and picking that version of Islam, Shi’ite versus Sunni. That has spooked the Saudis like you can’t believe.”

“If gun control really worked, why are we allowing the Iranians to nuke up? I mean, you want to talk about a gun? A nuclear weapon is a gun extraordinaire, and Obama’s going out of his way to make sure that the Iranians have a stockpile of them.”

“When a downward spiral happens, there’s nothing to put the brakes on it. There’s nothing to stop it. Everything just keeps descending with very little end in sight. And nobody in the political culture is talking about it. They’re just running along like it’s an average, ordinary day each and every day.”

“We’re spending money that we don’t have at a faster clip than ever, and we’re spending it on things that only accomplish one thing, and that’s the further entrenchment of the political class in power.”

“We’re spending money on things that are actually causing harm to people’s lives, such as whatever entitlement spending we are engaging in to pay for all of these undocumented people that are showing up, continuing to show up in droves.”

“This last budget deal shows that when it comes to budgeting in this country, there is no thought given to how much money is collected and whether or not that ought to be a factor in how much money is spent. The only thing that determines how much money is spent is how much people think they can get away with.”

“Tax collection seems to exist only as a way to keep people in line, but it certainly has nothing to do with the budgeting process in this country. If it did, we wouldn’t have annual deficits like we do.”

“The spending of money is how power is purchased, the spending of money is how power is maintained, the spending of money is how power is entrenched.”

“Obama is going to announce executive actions and orders to impact negatively the free flow of guns and ammunition in our culture, basically. This has been long a quest of the American left, and he doesn’t care about Congress. He doesn’t care about doing it constitutionally.”

“If Obama and the left could get the American people to the point where the Constitution is just some piece of paper over there that doesn’t matter to a hill of beans, that’s what they would love. And to the effect that they can violate it, that they can avoid it, that they can pretend it doesn’t exist — that they can wantonly, in public, spit on it and get away with it — that’s the objective.”

“This group that’s making the Trump video because of Hillary’s suggestion, Al-Shabaab, is Somali based group. They’ve been using video of Obama for years recruiting members to the jihad. They even used Bill Clinton who stars as the fornicator-in-chief in videos.”

“You cannot have a religion of peace that is so easily inspired to become murdering jihadists.”

“Whatever religion you are, you’re Buddhist, you are a Christian, you’re Jewish, how many of you decide to become warriors for God and join some kind of terrorist activity every time something in your religion’s insulted? The answer is a big, fat zero. And yet, when it happens in Islam, we’re supposed to accept that. We’re supposed to understand that, and we’re supposed to believe it.”

“Since Ruhollah Khomeini back in 1979, we have never aligned with Iran until Obama came along. And that’s one of the reasons the Middle East is continuing to explode and be a flame.”

“It seems like we’re in a free-for-all when it comes to any kind of values you want to talk about: Cultural, political, pop culture, you name it. And all of it, when you examine it, explains why the Trump phenomenon is happening. He’s the one guy speaking out against all of this in a consistent way, this decline.”

“Women in Hillary Clinton’s office do indeed make 30¢ an hour less than men. Then you run around and talk about the pay gap? In Hillary’s office it was damn well true!”

“All of the guns used in recent mass shootings were purchased legally, and after background checks, and none of what Obama is going to do would have stopped any of that. By definition, gun control will not stop crime.”

“They’re working on a Bill Cosby endorsement of Trump to take the heat off Bill Clinton? Don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility.”

“Hillary Clinton was aware of who Bill Clinton was when she married him. She stuck with him through all of these women. I mean, countless women. He humiliated her, but she didn’t care.”

“We do not have to commit national suicide in order to show the world our values. We’re not in a contest with Iran or Saudi Arabia when it comes to liberty and freedom. That’s already been decided.”

“How in the hell can the United States be permitting itself to be attacked and dismembered this way. That’s what many responsible people around the world are asking.”

“The West led by Obama has sidled up with bad actors in the Middle East we have never sidled up with before. We have sidled up with militant Islam. We’ve sidled up with the Muslim Brotherhood, and now our best buddies in the Middle East is not Saudi Arabia and not Jordan, it’s Iran. You don’t think that’s messing things up? You don’t think that’s causing people panic?”

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