Republicans are rigging elections for the next decade:
In Georgia, Republicans passed a new congressional map on Monday giving their party 64 percent of US House seats in a state Joe Biden won with 49.5 percent of the vote.
In Ohio, Republicans passed a new congressional map on November 18 giving their party at least 80 percent of seats in a state Donald Trump won with 53 percent of the vote.
In North Carolina, Republicans passed a new congressional map on November 4 giving their party between 71 to 78 percent of seats in a state Trump won with 49.9 percent of the vote.
In Texas, Republicans passed a new congressional map on October 18 giving their party 65 percent of seats in a state Trump won with 52 percent of the vote.
You get the idea. In state after state under GOP control, Republicans are passing extreme gerrymandered maps that will allow them to pick up enough seats to retake the House in 2022 and lock in control of state legislatures.
Originally tweeted by Mother Jones (@MotherJones) on November 22, 2021.
Gerrymandering has been around since the beginning. But at some point there was a realization that they cannot be used for blatantly undemocratic purposes and the courts routinely stepped in to ensure they weren’t. Today, it’s up to the states themselves to do that and I’m going to guess that in most red states, these extreme redistricting schemes will be upheld.
We keep talking about upholding our democracy. But you have to ask yourself, what kind of democracy allows something like this in the first place?