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“That leftist rag … Politico”

“That leftist rag … Politico”

by digby

Roy Edroso has the definitive round up of right wing defenses of Ben Carson’s loooney tunes week:

At The Federalist Mollie Hemingway interpreted Politico’s editorial note (which begins “Editor’s note: POLITICO stands by its reporting on this story, which has been updated to reflect Ben Carson’s on the record response…”) thus: “Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson.” Matthew K. Bure of Politistick denounced “leftist rag Politico” for “one of the worse smears in the history of politics… It’s pretty clear that Politico is getting their marching orders from Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party, acting in a role very similar to that of Pravda in the old USSR.” (This is a good point at which to mention Politico’s actual pedigree.) 

“Politico would never editorialize about any Democrat who issued such a response to a factual inquiry in this manner,” said Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire. “Frankly, this might be the best thing that could have happened to Dr. Carson,” said Emily Zanotti of The American Spectator. “After a week of weird sound bites, the story surrounding him is an attack by the media, something conservative candidates should be able to capitalize on and thrive from.”
On Friday, in what the New York Times described as “combative” press conference (though he didn’t try to stab anyone), Carson himself tiraded against — you guessed it! — Liberal Media and the “witch hunt” against him. “My job is to call you out when you’re unfair,” he said at one point in a telling reversal of the traditional press-and-politician relationship. 

Just about that time, another noted Liberal Media outlet, The Wall Street Journal,questioned other Carson stories, including an elaborate tale involving a Yale class called Perceptions 301; a teacher who announced to the class that their test had been burned and would have to be retaken; a walkout by all the students except Carson; the teacher’s announcement that this had been the real test; and Carson’s rewards including coverage by the Yale Daily News and a $10 bill. The Journal was able to confirm only the existence of Yale University. (Later Carson claimed to have proof of his story’s veracity: a press clipping about a parody issue in which a similar story appeared. “It wasn’t a scam, it was a parody,” Carson triumphantly told George Stephanopoulos on This Week.) 

As this stuff kept coming out, rightbloggers looked at the number and peculiarity of the stories and had to admit what was now undeniable: Liberal Media has it in for Ben Carson, and this was good news for Ben Carson. 

“No one in their right mind would pay for CNN’s brain-dead nonsense about Ben Carson except for CNN,” said Roger Simon of PJ Media. “…It’s so sleazy, in fact, that it is certain to rebound against network and in favor of Carson.”
“What are we dealing with here? It’s not like he doesn’t remember what happened the night of Benghazi,” said Rush Limbaugh. 

“Unfortunately for the left, the double-barreled attacks seemed to leave Carson in a stronger position than he had been in before, as they essentially verified what he has been saying all along,” said the Conservative Tribune — “that the liberal mainstream media will do or say anything to keep a black conservative out of the White House.” (That’s why we haven’t had one yet, besides Barack Obama.) 

Meanwhile Donald Trump, fresh from a highly-rated Saturday Night Live appearance, returned to TV Sunday morning to imply that Carson is nuts. Don’t feel bad for Carson, though: He announced that, thanks to the “biased media,” his campaign took in $3.5 million last week.

Be sure to click over to read the rest. There’s more. About the pyramids. And the alleged stabbing. And more.

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