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Give them a bottle and put them to bed

Give them a bottle and put them to bed

by digby

Jebbers unveils his retooled campaign stump speech with a new slogan “Jeb can fix it!”. (“Reformer with results” was taken …)

It’s actually more blah, blah, blah, nothing new. But I always have to laugh when I see this considering the right’s outrageous militaristic rhetoric and level of hatred toward Democrats of all stripes. It would be funny if it weren’t so creepy:

Americans have had enough of our president’s many strawman arguments.

And, of a front-running candidate who blames a vast right wing conspiracy instead of taking personal responsibility, and who declares roughly half the country is her enemy.

If Secretary Clinton has her way, the next four years will be like the last eight: gridlock, grievance, division, demonization.

This is the only way they know how to win.

On the issue of immigration, they have written a script for Republicans, filled with grievance and resentment.

Frankly, the last thing they want is a Republican challenger who takes them out of their comfort zone of forced indignation and PC platitudes.

But let me be clear: I’m not stepping into the role of angry agitator that they have created for us, because it’s not what’s in my heart.

It is not true to the conservative cause. And, in the end, that role is just a bit part in the story of another conservative loss and another liberal victory.

That’s their plan, and I’m not going to play along.

But I fear the President has already succeeded in setting the trap for our party, bringing a new pessimism on the right.

Do they ever stop whining?

The gridlock and anger in DC is all the Democrats’ fault. And it’s true. They have only been willing to meet the Republicans two thirds of the way instead of completely capitulating on every single issue and offering them a white flag and a blow job to celebrate their surrender. If they want to end the obstruction all they have to do is do whatever the most right wing members of the GOP want them to do.

One must assume then that the fact that the Republicans are fighting viciously amongst themselves and can’t even decide how to run the House of Representatives is the fault of the Democrats. The Freedom Caucus is a radical rump group that Republicans themselves find intensely frustrating because they seem not to understand how our government is designed — or they don’t care:

“They seem to have a problem with James Madison,” quips Charlie Dent, a Republican from Pennsylvania.

I was watching Fox News’ “Outnumbered” this morning and they were extremely upset that the House and the Senate had not delivered on 100% of the GOP agenda. They were insistent that when “the American people” voted in a Republican congressional majority they had a mandate for total dominance in every way. Evidently they forgot to take civics class in high school because they would have learned about the other branches of government and understood that when you have divided government you can either go for gridlock or compromise.

This seems to be a common misunderstanding among these people. They live under the impression that the vast majority of the country agrees with them down the line and that those who don’t have no right to representation at all. That the presidency is a national election which more accurately reflects the agenda for which the majority actually does vote doesn’t seem to register.

Nobody tried harder than Presidents Clinton and Obama to meet these extremist freaks halfway. Both of them offered up beloved Democratic achievements and programs that helped the less fortunate in a quixotic attempt to forge compromises with people who gave them the back of their hands. And they did this against the wishes of the people who put them in office. They tried. They failed. Let’s hope that Democrats have finally learned their lesson.

As the Bard of Crawford Texas once said, “Fool me once … uh … won’t get fooled again.”


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