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Who Sez the NY Times Got No Humor? by tristero

Who Sez the NY Times Got No Humor? 

by tristero
First, there’s the headline: Latest Unease on Right: Ryan Is Too Far Left. Anyway you cut it – haha or peculiar – that’s a funny thing to say. And then there is this hysterical lede:

Far-right media figures, relatively small in number but potent in their influence, have embarked on a furious Internet expedition to cover Representative Paul D. Ryan in political silt.

Silt?” That’s not the first word that comes to mind when I think about what far-right figures like Schafly cover their opponents with. Kind of looks a little bit like “silt,”though. But the “i’s”in third position and there’s an “h”in second.

And then there’s this:

[Paul Ryan] was half the brain on a 2013 compromise with Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, to funnel more money to the government and avert two years of budget brinkmanship, even though two years earlier, he had refused to sit on the original committee that tried and failed to find a solution to the government’s financial problems.

“Half the brain?” Yeah, I always thought that about Paul Ryan.

Oh, I’m running low on popcorn now. Gotta make more.

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