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The only way to stop a bad guy with a dildo is a good guy with a dildo

The only way to stop a bad guy with a dildo is a good guy with a dildo

by digby

I think this should go national:

Students at the University Of Texas at Austin are planning to protest a new law that permits the concealed carry of handguns on campus — with dildos.

The “campus carry” law passed by the Texas legislature and signed by the Governor in June, requires UT Austin and the other campuses in the UT system to allow students to carry guns on campus. It gives the schools some discretion on how to implement the law.

The protest is designed to draw attention to the fact that carrying a dildo to class could be “prohibited expression” under university rules. The rules prohibit “any writing or visual image, or engage in any public performance, that is obscene.”

“You’re carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I’m carrying a HUGE DILDO. Just about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters, but much safer for recreational play,” the organizer, Jessica Jin, wrote.

That’s what all this gun nonsense is really all about. Might as well make it explicit. I suppose there’s probably a case or two somewhere where a dildo killed someone. But it’s pretty rare.


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