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DTF for Trumpie

DTF for Trumpie

by digby

This is just too funny:

What does it take to impersonate a Donald Trump supporter? As Jimmy Kimmel Live correspondent Jake Byrd discovered Tuesday night, all you need is a lot of enthusiasm, a vehement opposition to Obamacare and the media, and a cowboy hat.

Byrd went undercover as a Trump voter at The Donald’s speech yesterday in Dallas, Texas, disguised in a ‘Make America Great Again’ cowboy hat. He first met with real-life Trump supporters outside American Airlines Arena, goading them into putting “Trump stamps” on their lower backs and convincing them to join him in cheers of “DTF,” which he said stood for “Donald Trump Forever.” The acronym, first popularized by the MTV show “Jersey Shore,” actually means “down to fuck.”

Byrd then ventured inside for Trump’s speech, where he managed to score a seat almost directly behind the GOP candidate. He met each of Trump’s applause lines with maniacal enthusiasm, burst into loud laughter at every joke and changed into a DTF hat mid-way through the speech. Trump seemed to eventually notice his happily unhinged fan, turning around to say, “I love these people back here.”

“We love you, Donny!” Byrd yelled back.

Yesterday on the Five on Fox Greg Gutfield said he thinks those questioners at the Trump rally were all hoaxters too. Unfortunately he neglected to note that Trump chose the questioners. And that what that guy said is everyday speech in right wing circles.

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