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What humble beginning?

What humble beginning?

by digby

This is a very interesting piece by Melinda Hennenberger on Carly Fiorina. This continues to annoy me:

Most inspiring was her humble beginning,” says Laura Crouch, an engineer. “From being a secretary to where she is now?” says Priya Bangarashettara, who works in financial services. “She’s right that can only happen in America.”

I’ve already noted that this is at best an exaggeration. She did clerical work in the summer during college and for a few week between law school and business school. but it had nothing to do with her rise. When she went to AT&T, she was not just a lowly secretary with a dream, she was an MBA who got hired as a management trainee.

And how about this?

What Fiorina hadn’t told her audience is that her father, Joseph Tyree Sneed III, who died in 2008, was a law professor at the University of Texas, Stanford, and Cornell, the dean of Duke Law School, a deputy attorney general under President Richard Nixon, and a longtime senior judge on the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

And look at daddy’s legacy:

Sneed was part of a three-judge panel that replaced Whitewater special prosecutor Robert B. Fiske with Kenneth Starr in 1994.

That’s your outsider.


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