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All American Lone Wolves

All American Lone Wolves

by digby

If only we could close the borders this sort of thing could be avoided:

Three north Georgia men pleaded guilty in federal court this week to conspiring to begin a revolution against the U.S. government.

Brian Cannon, Terry Peace and Cory Williamson met in an Internet chat room in January 2014 and bonded over their anti-government views, according to prosecutors. Within a month of meeting, Cannon and Williamson moved into Peace’s Rome home and began planning an attack, to be carried out no later than Feb. 15, 2014.

“This case is a startling example of militia activists reaching true extremes,” Acting U.S. Attorney John Horn said in a release. “While this level of extremism is fortunately rare, this case illustrates the threats to all our safety that arise from people who turn their hatred into actions.”

According to information presented in court, the defendants discussed bombing infrastructure supporting certain government agencies, including the TSA, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. They chose infrastructure targets “because they believed this would reduce the amount of unnecessary casualties and make it difficult for the government to respond to their attack,” prosecutors said.

Another person in the chat rooms reported the defendants to the FBI and agreed to assist in the investigation.

The informant made plans to give Peace 12 pipe bombs and two thermite devices. On Feb. 15, 2014, the defendants met the informant in Cartersville to pick up the items. They were arrested instead. Investigators said the three planned to use the thermite devices at a local police department.

I hadn’t heard anything about this had you? But then they aren’t Muslim.


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