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Chuck Todd can read minds

Chuck Todd can read minds

by digby

This morning he said upfront, without any obfuscation, that he believes that Clinton only had her separate email server in order to hide her correspondence. And since they haven’t found any smoking gun which could justify this,  the implication is that she is obviously a paranoid freak. See how that works? She is either a corrupt sell-out or a paranoid freak. Heads he wins, tails she loses.

Frankly, I think it’s perfectly sensible of her to want to keep her correspondence from Chuck Todd and his friends in the press when you observe the orgy of meaningless puerile gossip they’re engaging in this morning over the email release last night. They are obsessively interested in anything personal, which proves exactly why they wanted to get their sweaty mitts on them in the first place.

Andrea Mitchell former State Department spokesman PJ Crowley and analyst Steve Clemons on her show.  They both tried to talk about what was really interesting in the emails — the issues she was dealing with during her tenure and even the fact that there was a level of mistrust in the early days with the White House which fell away by the end of 2009 when the administration fully meshed.  Perhaps some day someone will take a look at the real story there. It seems as though it might be interesting. It is, after all, unusual to be able to see all this the correspondence of the Secretary of State.  Colin Powell destroyed all his emails, for instance, so we never will have that access to the inside story when he lied to the country and the world and helped take us into a war that destroyed the stability of the middle east and cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But who cares about that — it’s so 2003.

No, this morning what we got was excessive attention to any correspondence with Huma Abedin, in a desperate search for any evidence of something juicy, which they failed to find. And there was lots of breathless gossipy discussions of anything Clinton was talking about that was personal, like what TV shows she was watching and what she was reading.  This is obviously the only thing they care about. (Yesterday they were whining like babies because the government scheduled the release in the evening which apparently meant they would have to stay up all night long poring over them to search for juicy tid-bits. Why this would be such an urgent task is unknown.)

Chris Cillizza helpfully explained to Mitchell that despite the fact that these emails  contain no evidence of wrongdoing they are destructive to her because when they are released “everyone” will talk about them for days and days hour after hour anyway and overwhelm her desire to talk about things that are important. By everyone, he means the press. They simply cannot choose to cover anything else because — well, just because.

But we knew that. This is the Village. It’s what they do. It’s who they are.


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