On spitting into the wind

Children of the Enlightenment (COE) cannot resist standing up for facts and logic. Any more than children of fundamentalist Christianity can resist countering data that suggests things that you’re liable to read in the Bible ain’t necessarily so. It’s a reflex.
And it’s confounding. The conundrum is, when People of the Lie (POL) utter things that are monumentally stupid, people of the Age of Reason feel obligated to correct the record or at least to document the absurdities. But it’s difficult to know how many POL believe their own bullshit or are just trolling, knowing full well their logic-obsessed antagonists cannot reisist taking the bait.
Time after time, that ploy works to divert public attention from what should be the public’s and news media’s laser focus onto the lunatics’ unlogic instead.
The pointlessness of it is this. COE need to reassure themselves that reality is still governed by reason, not by tribal superstition, not by the stuff of evil spirits, bodily humors, and witch burning. Meaning, of course, in issuing correctives COE are talking to themselves. Facts no longer carry weight with the POL regardless of whether their absurdities are spoken cynically or seriously.
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, of course, pivots effortlessly from condemning Democrats for trying to “politicize” mass murder to recommending policy. Your default assumption should be that he is cynical.
Congressman Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) concurs.
“Inside the Austin Fun House” legislatin’ is still the domain of evil spirits and witch burning.
I plead guilty to taking the bait.
Hillary Clinton (and others) point out for Abbott what’s changed.
We are all spitting into the wind.
UPDATE: One more loogie.

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