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I gotcher free speech for ya

I gotcher free speech for ya

by digby

Go ahead, say whatever you want citizen. It’s your right. Just keep in mind that some people might not think it’s such a good idea:

Granted, it’s not a huge deal that he had to provide his ID. But on what possible basis did these troopers feel they needed to ask for it? Politics is full of people dressing up in costumes and saying weird things to politicians. It’s a goddamned American tradition!

So what, are they going to run this guy’s name to find out if he’s wanted for something? Because he said something silly to Chris Christie? It’s a little bit creepy, particularly since we know that police have been spying on various protest groups, like Black Lives Matter. I guess this fellow had better expect that he’ll be on the cops’ radar from now on.

Frankly, he looks like ISIS to me. Better send him to Gitmo.


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