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Scotty waffles again

Scotty waffles again

by digby

Chance the gardner likes to watch TV:

Days after seeming to echo Donald Trump’s call for ending birthright citizenship, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Friday said he isn’t for or against the idea.

“I’m not taking a position on it one way or the other,” the 2016 Republican presidential hopeful said. Only after securing America’s borders, he explained, is it appropriate to address the issue of birthright citizenship.

Walker spoke in an interview with CNBC at the end of a turbulent week in the Republican campaign. Trump, who leads in polls of Republican voters nationally and here in New Hampshire, released an immigration plan that called for ending automatic citizenship for anyone born in the U.S. regardless of the legal status of the parents.

Asked after Trump released his plan if he agreed with the idea, Walker told MSNBC: “Yeah, to me it’s about enforcing the laws in this country.”

Today, Walker said his stance had been misunderstood during a long campaign day involving numerous interviews marked by interruptions.

Walker once stood on the left side of the Republican debate, favoring a path to citizenship for immigrants who entered the country illegally. He has since explained that he changed his mind in response to additional information.

This guy is the waffle king.

Birthright citizenship has been under attack for decades. It’s only now that these guys are trying to juggle Trumpism with the need to attract some Latino voters that they are all over the place on this. I posted this before but it’s worth running it again.

As far back as 1993, then-Congressman John Kasich co-sponsored a bill to end birthright citizenship. By 2010, FOX News Contributor-turned-candidate for Governor Kasich had continued his crusade against citizen children. That yearLindsey Graham joined Kasich when he responded to Democrats’ push for comprehensive immigration reform by accusing that immigrant mothers “drop and leave” their children in the U.S.

The following year, in 2011, Senator Rand Paul introduced a resolution to amend the constitution and end birthright citizenship. By 2013, one of the vilest terms in Latino politics was born when Republican Congressman Steve King introduced a bill to end “anchor babies” – the disgusting term some Republicans use to describe U.S. citizen children born to immigrant parents.

This summer the GOP has again shifted their attack from immigrants, to immigrant families, to the U.S. citizen children of immigrant parents. Just last weekChris Christie, not once but twice, called for the reexamination of the 14th Amendment, or “birthright citizenship”. Scott Walker told a reporter he would flat out end birthright citizenship as president. On the campaign trail, Ted Cruz has refused to say whether he supported Steve King’s proposal to eliminate birthright citizenship. Here’s a rundown of what some of the rest of the GOP field has said about birthright citizenship.


· Lindsey Graham: “We should change our Constitution and say if you come here illegally and you have a child, that child’s automatically not a citizen.” (Fox News)

· Bobby Jindal: “We need to end birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.” (Twitter)

· Rand Paul: “I’ve always agreed with Milton Freidman who says you can’t have open borders in a welfare state. You can’t become a magnet for the world and let everybody come in here, have children, and then they become citizens. So I still do agree with that.” (WNDTV)

· Rick Santorum: “Only children born on American soil where at least one parent is a citizen or resident aliens is automatically a U.S. citizen.”(Breitbart)

· Ben Carson: “The 14th Amendment has been brought up recently, about ‘anchor babies’, and it doesn’t make any sense to me that people can come over here and have a baby and the baby becomes an American citizen … That doesn’t make any sense at all.” (YouTube)

Jeb! famously said that we need to do something about those damned “anchor babies”. What he wants to do I’m not sure, but he claims he’s not for overturning the 14th amendment and centuries of common law just to appease a bunch of bigots, which is nice. Rubio went so far as to claim that these foreign invader babies and even their parents are human beings. (My God, man, what party do you think you’re running in?)

Walker, being the rank amateur he is, jumped on the Jeff Sessions/Donald Trump train automatically without thinking through whether or not that’s what a serious frontrunning grown-up would do. He made a mistake.


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