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Were they wearing brown by any chance?

Were they wearing brown by any chance?

by digby

He can’t help it if his followers are thugs — they just want to make America great again:

Republican front-runner Donald Trump said last night it “would be a shame” if two South Boston brothers who allegedly beat up a homeless man were encouraged by the real-estate mogul’s crusade against illegal immigration.

“I haven’t heard about that,” Trump said of the attack when asked if he was concerned about his campaign speeches inciting violence. “I think that would be a shame.”

He added: “I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate. They love this country. They want this country to be great again. But they are very passionate. I will say that.”

Yeah, they’re “passionate”

State police said the brothers were leaving a Red Sox game when they came across the 58-year-old victim sleeping at a metro stop, according to the newspaper.

A police report obtained by the Globe stated that the victim was woken up by two men urinating on his face and was then punched several times and hit with a metal pole. The victim suffered a broken nose and several bruises to his head and chest, according to the police report.

Police said Scott Leader, who was previously convicted of a hate crime for attacking a Moroccan man in the days after the 9/11 attacks, told them he targeted the victim because the man was Hispanic and homeless.

“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” Leader allegedly told police, as quoted by the Globe.

Obviously these are bigots just looking for an excuse to beat people. But “movements” like the one Trump thinks he’s building tend to attract people like that, don’t they?

There is a very dark and dangerous side to Trump’s appeal. Yesterday he reiterated his earlier inisistence that we have to “give power back to the police.” In his earlier comments he was referring to BVlack Lives Matter. Yesterday he was saying that the cops had to be given the ability to round up Latinos “very quickly” and deport them.

I know that nobody thinks this creep has a chance. But doesn’t it worry anyone that millions of Republicans think this stuff is just great? And that the rest of the GOP is following along behind him like he’s the Pied Piper?

I’m not the only one who is beginning to see something sinister in all this. Chris Hayes mentioned it last night at the top of his show as well. It’s fun to make fun of him and all but maybe it’s time to start seriously thinking about what this means.


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