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Carson on anti-semitism. Oy gevalt!

Carson on anti-semitism. Oy gevalt!

by digby

John Amato sat through today’s Fox News interview with noted brain surgeon Ben Carson so you don’t have to.

His entire appearance was of the head banging, brain cell destroying variety, but I’ll focus on one segment now because it was so egregious.

Dr. Carson demonstrated that he has a lot to learn about foreign policy and that he doesn’t understand what the term anti-Semitism means. Carson, wrote an article in The Jerusalem Post, in which he said President Obama is anti-Semitic:

When asked to defend his remarks by Wallace, he obviously couldn’t and sounded like a dummy in the process.

Wallace: It’s one thing to argue your policy differs from Israel, but you say in your article– and you’re talking about domestic critics in this country– that there’s anti-Semitic themes there. What specifically is anti-Semitic in what the president is saying?”

Carson: I think anything is anti-Semitic that is against the survival of a state that is surrounded by enemies and by people who want to destroy them. And to sort of ignore that and to act like everything is normal there and that these people are paranoid, I think that’s anti-Semitic.

So, to recap. Ben Carson believes that if you disagree with his policy positions regarding Israel, you’re anti-Semitic.

Click over for the vid.  This is, to put it mildly, and extremely sweeping definition of the term.  

Keep in mind, folks, that Carson is sitting at number 2 in most of the GOP presidential primary polls. If you add it up, braindead amateurs Trump and Carson represent a strong plurality of the GOP base. If you add in the crackpots, cranks and overrated scions of overrated families who say equally ridiculous things every day, it’s a huge majority.


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